среда, 3 апреля 2019 г.

Star Ocean: The Second Evolution p10 [end]

Я начну с того, что должен взять почти все свои слова про форсированность Рены и Клода, и что они всё равно канон. Так-то да, у Клода всегда в отношениях с Реной преимущество в основном таймлайне они таковыми являются, ибо у них есть общий потомок в одной из игр. Но всё же есть шанс, причём, не один, чтобы Рена была не с Клодом. Можно даже вообще без романса. Сугубо дружба и жвачка. Напомню, что СО - это мультивёрс, так что любая концовка по-своему valid.

Я вернулся на почти 50 уровней назад, чтобы переиграть кое-какие моменты, избежать или получить те или иные катсцены.
Я клонил в ДиасРена - неважно, романс или броманс, я просто слишком люблю синевласок. Ну а вообще да, я грешен, знаю это.
И когда я переигрывал Field of Love у моей Рены похитили Диаса C:
...к моему гоготу я также перезагрузил этот момент и у меня украли в принципе всех, и Селину, и Боумана, и Эштона. Рена, всё для тебя, любой гарем.

В общем, очень приятно осознавать, что в FoL у меня выпал Диас.

...вы посмотрите, кто радуется. Сказывается "блюберрипоорфе", да, Клод?!

Ещё хочу дать комментарий по Field of Might. Рейт появления врагов там мне внезапно показался люто бешеным. Как мне также показалось, Avoid Enemies в scouting не работал именно там. Баг ли - хз. Но было весело. Особенно эксплорить на 100% это место. Причём, в первый раз, когда я проходил FoM мне рей казался нормальным, и это при условии, что я с меньшими уровнями туда шёл.

Ну ладно, пора возвращаться к самому сюжету.

Мне очень не нравится концепция оружия, которую предложила Мираж.
Вот сделай она гранаты на данном базисе - я бы понял. Но делать оружие, которое чрезвычайно нестабильно, даже если есть стабилизатор, а потом покрывать его защитным полем? Я люблю СО-серию за вклад и уклон в sci-fi, но есть вещи, которые уж очень... fi и менее sci.
Я просто представлю, что им дали супер-магические клинки. По сути, только так и можно аргументировать то, то они полезны в рамках данной истории.

Вообще в момент "ночь перед финалом" я хотел, чтобы у меня был Диас, но вышла Селина.
Oh well.

Эта же сцена, но с Диасом и Реной.

Габриэль. С Габриэлем всё очень непросто.

The truth is that Gabriel, once known as Dr. Lantis, is in fact the creator of the Ten Wise Men, who are actually biological weapons created by order of Energy Nede's ancient government to keep ruling the universe with an iron fist four billion years ago. Due to the death of his daughter, Lantis reprogrammed the Wise Men and made himself their leader in order to destroy the universe instead of conquering it. He then sealed the ten of them away for four billion years when he realized how difficult it would be to accomplish his goal at that point in time.
Nede War
Four billion years ago, Nede ruled over the whole universe with an iron fist, not allowing freedom to conquered planets. A little information on their technology was leaked to planets wishing to be free, who then took that opportunity to band together and wage war against Nede for their freedom. Nede resisted well, but estimation showed they would soon be outnumbered if events continued in the same manner, so they had to find a solution to stop the opposition.

Creation of the Ten Wise Men
There lived a genius scientist named Lantis. He and his daughter Philia lived four billion years ago on Nede during the time of the war. Nede's government requested the creation of biological weapons in order to win the war and to keep their iron grip on the universe. Lantis then created the Ten Wise Men, supreme and near-invincible biological weapons, in order to put an end to the revolt.

Nevertheless, some people outside of Nede and even inhabitants of Nede itself disliked the Ten Wise Men project, as creating biological weapons was a crime and went against natural law (what Earthlings also think by the time of Star Ocean: Till the End of Time). Philia was killed during a terrorist act by a group opposing the Ten Wise Men project. The Nedian military tried to hide this information from Lantis, but despite their efforts, he eventually found out what had become of his daughter through the information gathering units within the group (Raphael, Zadkiel, and Camael).

Becoming Gabriel
After learning of Philia's death, Lantis went mad with anger and grief, and he decided to reprogram the Ten Wise Men. Originally created to tyranically rule the universe, he altered them to instead destroy the universe he now considered imperfect and decaying. Lantis made another artificial being, Philia, named after his own daughter, in which he attempted to resurrect Philia's consciousness. In many respects, from her actions to her appearance, he succeeded in resurrecting Philia. For unknown reasons, he programmed this reincarnation to act as a limiter on the power he would soon obtain, perhaps subconsciously wanting to give the universe a chance. But the Ten Wise Men had unexpected difficulties achieving their goal, and Lantis committed suicide.

But Lantis did not plan on leaving his plan unfinished. He programed Gabriel, the last unfinished member of the Ten Wise Men and who was not originally meant to be the leader, but rather a last-resort weapon of total destruction, to be the vessel of Lantis's consciousness after his suicide. This effectively made Lantis himself the last of the Ten Wise Men and, due to the new programming, their leader. As the Nedians had eventually cornered the Wise Men and Dr. Lantis in his lab, they were all sealed—by Lantis himself before he commited suicide—in Eternity Space, a dimensional void where time does not advance, and can only be accessed from the outside, leaving the Nedians to assume the Ten Wise Men would be trapped forever. However, Gabriel/Lantis had a way to escape Eternity Space, which he enacted on a day in the far future, when they would then be able to fulfill their plans.

Sorcery Globe
Four billion years after the War, Gabriel (who now had the conciousness of Dr. Lantis) had escaped Eternity Space and, as part of his plan, sent himself and the rest of the Ten Wise Men along with a Quadratic Sphere to the planet nearest to Energy Nede, which happened to be the planet Expel. Gabriel, along with the other Wise Men, then used the Sphere's energy to move the planet toward Nede. This caused a dark, radiation-like influence to spread all over the planet, creating natural disasters, the appearance of dangerous monsters, the transformation of animals into monsters, and negative influence on the behavior of civilians. As people of an underdeveloped planet, the Expellians first thought the Sphere to be a rare meteorite, and dubbed it the "Sorcery Globe". The presence of Rena, whose pendant was in fact a Quadratic Key, advanced his plan, moving the planet in a matter of months instead of a hundred years, as it would have without her Quadratic Key interacting with the Quadratic Sphere.

Gabriel is first seen when Claude, Rena, and the others reach the top of Eluria Tower, where the Ten Wise Men wait by the Sphere, but stays in the shadows for most of the discussion, instead leaving most of the speaking to his subordinates. His only words are that it is impossible for them to save Expel even if they wanted to; he then orders the others to teleport to Nede using their power just before the collision of Expel against Nede's energy shield. The Ten Wise Men soon discover after the collision of the planets that their power has also teleported Claude, Rena, and the others to Energy Nede, but he does not consider them a threat and orders the others to leave them be.

Energy Nede
On Energy Nede, Gabriel takes possesion of the Symbol of Annihilation in order to destroy the universe. He later acquires the resources and technology to built an antimatter cannon which he uses to destroy the Calnus in front of Claude, killing his father in the process. Lucifer claims that they plan to use the lost Nedian technology that includes the cannon and teleporters to conquer the universe, but one can conclude that this was to hide their true goal since the party were unaware of it at the time.

Gabriel does not appear again until the end of the game. If the player completes several side quests, the truth about Gabriel's and Philia's pasts can be unlocked before the final confrontation at the top of Phynal.

Final Confrontation
At the very top of Phynal, where the final battle takes place, Gabriel is seen standing before the Quadratic Sphere, which he plans to use in conjunction with the Crest of Annihilation to destroy the universe. The resulting battle with Claude and the others varies greatly in difficulty, depending upon whether the Private Action involving Philia has been completed or not. If it has not, Philia acts as a seal on his power, weakening him greatly. However, if the limiter is released, Gabriel uses all his power, making the last battle much more difficult.

The discussion also varies depending on if this Private Action is completed or not. If his limiter is still on, Gabriel speaks about destroying the universe. If the limiter is released, however, he will first kill Philia, then express his anger and hatred for the universe.

Мои [жалкие] концовки.

Итог про игру будет попозже.

Я: бешено против форсированного гетного пейринга.
Также я: бешено ратую за другой гетный пейринг.
Игра: а вот х*й тебе, даже два, вот тебе гейский пейринг.

Может быть я перепройду игру местами, может быть перефиксю у себя кое-что перед финальной битвой.
Я себе уже проспойлерил в эпоху интернета концовки Рены и Диаса, так что мне хватает для полного счастья C:

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