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Некие, попросту виртуозные пляски вокруг нихуя. Это надо уметь, о да, и подразделение пятнашки это умеет.
Q1: In the March update players were given a deeper look into the events of Chapter 13 from Gladio's perspective. Will we see more gameplay segments like this in future updates?
A: Though it doesn't take place from the perspective of the buddies, we're scheduled to have some updates that will delve deeper into the events in the game with more detail. These updates have existed as a part of our update roadmap to further enhance the experience of the game.
"Though it doesn't take place from the perspective of the buddies" - они там белины объелись перед тем, как ответить на вопросы? С чьей тогда перспективы, когда ты играешь Игнисом и Гладиолусом? Равуса? Императора Елдуна? Региса? И заметьте, прямо на вопрос - да или нет - они не отвечают. Зато крякают, что всё было так задумано.
Q2: Now that the March Update is behind us, what other plans do you have to update the game in the coming months?
A: We have major updates planned at three month intervals. Among things we have already announced, we now how an idea of when we will be implementing the off-road Regalia and free driving. Please look forward to further information.
Второй вопрос происходит из первого, потому что на первый толкового ответа не дали. Ответ на второй вопрос близок к ответу на первый, с добавлением лишь временного интервала (что заставит любого обладателя 15-ки побеситься, ибо опять подчёркивается ожидание), да и фразы об ИДЕЕ. Ииии очередная просьба с ожиданием игроков того, что разрабы что-то сделают.
Q3: Many players feel like FFXV was too easy, mostly due to the lack of restriction on item usage (minus one dungeon). Are there plans to implement more options to further increase the challenge of the game?
A: Currently no plans for higher difficulty settings, but i results from the upcoming player survey suggest that this is a highly sought-after feature, then there is a possibility that we will explore such an option.
Ответ на третий вопрос: "Скорее всего мы положим на это болт".
Q4: You recently showed some footage of some in-development features, such as driving off road and destroy-able terrain. In that video was an enemy model for Cerberus, whom we got to see in Kingsglaive. Might we expect to face off against the three-headed demon in the future alongside the Dia Weapon?
A: The footage we showed during GDC [SirMeow: Game Developers Conference] was just an example of some technical tests we are running. Of course, if we see that these features are high on players' wish lists, we will look into it. It would be fun to fight against Diamond Weapon, wouldn't it?
Ответ на этот вопрос: "Да, интересная задумка, на которую мы вполне можем тоже положить болт. Но да, задумка ооочень интересная, мы согласны с фанатами".
Q5: Episode Gladiolus launched with a Score Attack feature, allowing players to speed-run the DLC while attempting to get the highest score possible. Has there been any consideration to incorporate Score Attack into existing dungeons in the main game such as Menace Dungeons?
A: The score attack system was incorporated in Episode Gladiolus to add further excitement to the overall experience. The existing dungeons in the main game were not designed with this feature in mind, so unfortunately, implementing the score attack into the main game would be quite challenging.
Ответ: "Нет, на это мы давно положили болт".
Q6: Are there plans to add FFXV's own soundtrack to the in-game MP3 player?
A: This is currently undetermined.
Ответ: "Мы ещё не знаем, класть ли нам на это болт или нет. Но, думаем, вы догадываетесь, чего греха таить".
Q7: Timed Quests have been a fun and rewarding reason to pick FFXV back up between DLCs. However the most recent Timed Quest is available for over a month. How is the team deciding the time frame between the different Timed Quests?
A: The duration of the Timed Quests are determined by their content. Timed Quests will actually be a focal point in the next game update.
Ответ: "А вот TQ мы вас обложим, даже если вам это всралось. Нам надо чем-то контент следующего дополнения забить". Я вспоминаю 13-3, где у вас был лимит по времени на всю игру. Потому что контент самой игры был дырявым, зато таймер действовал на нервы игроку, мол, ты ничего не успеешь!!11, отвлекая. А за все 13 дней вы успеете всё. Зачем вообще нормальным рпг таймквесты? Это - прикрытие дыр в предлагаемом контенте игроку. Это срамота.
Q8: Episode Prompto is the next major DLC for FFXV. What major differences will exist between Episode Gladiolus and Episode Prompto?
A: Everything from the playable characters to the scenario and gameplay will be different. One of the core concepts of the Episode DLC is to fully bring to light the characteristics of each of the characters. Therefore, Episode Gladiolus capitalized on the characteristics of Gladiolus, resulting in powerful battle action. For Episode Prompto, we plan to provide a plot that focuses on Prompto's inner world, and a shooter-type action gameplay that makes the most of his weapon.
Ответ: "Разница в том, что в одном длц вы играете за Гладиолуса, а в другом - Промпто. Ваши кэпы из сквари".
Q9: The community has expressed significant interest in additional DLC episodes, including Lunafreya, Aranea, Ardyn & Ravus. Has there been any talks about expanding upon these possibilities? Perhaps a DLC Season 2?
A: The development tram considered a wide range of possibilities when creating the DLC content. Of course, we took our players' reactions into consideration too. As a result, for the Episode DLC we arrived at the consensus that it would be a good idea to feature Gladiolus, Prompro and Ignis, who travel with Noctis. And we're definitely aware of the increasing interest among players in Lunafreya, Aranea and Arden. We will continue to consder if there's some way we can deliver on these expectations too. There are currently no plans for a Season 2.
Ответ: "Ииии на это по большинству мы положим болт".
Q10: Can we expect a similar amount of play-time for Episode Prompto and Episode Ignis compared to Episode Gladiolus?
A: Episode Gladiolus is one measuring stick as far as volume of content. For the upcoming Episode DLC, we are marching along to provide content that will satisfy our players, so we hope you look forward to what lies ahead.
Ответ: "Мы ебём петухов в свободное время, но мы предоставим охуеннейший контент нашим игрокам с еблей петухов, только, пожалуйста, подождите".
То есть, технически говоря, вам практически ничего не сказали, кроме одного - "ждите".
Как и 10 лет назад, как и 5, как и сейчас, как и спустя 5 лет.
Пара комментов:
- The last question about DLC length and ep Ignis is so frustrating. Just tell me it's 15 hours with a cooking sim!
- And I agree, I think it was some pretty clever dancing around a non-answer. As for the Epi Iggy content - I would love that, tbh. I'm even good with Ignis in Cooking Mama's bonnet and mastering all the recipehs.
- Man im really tired of this answer like "if demand is high".
- I know! I'm just like, "You really aren't sure if the demand for a hard mode is high!? You really haven't seen all the people complaining that the difficulty is too easy? Stop playing dumb and just admit that you're not sure if you'll have time to put it in! Be honest with us! We can take it." It's when they do this damage control thing with the fake answers that people get angry. FFXV may be my favorite game ever made by the way and I think the team did amazing with it. I just get frustrated with how they answer questions sometimes.
- Its more funny when they are acknowledged that demand is high for "Luna, Aranea and Ardyn DLC's" but they still consider it IF DEMAND IS HIGH.
- There is no way to fix this game unless they redid the game. Every chapter is lackluster. The start of the game doesn't even have a real intro.
- 15 is over now show us 16. It was too short, too easy, and they made us wait far too long. It's not an MMO. They're really milking this title in ways only the age of paid DLC would allow. Kind of getting sick of seeing this model of reusing assets and seeing the fanbois gobble it up over and over again.
Некие, попросту виртуозные пляски вокруг нихуя. Это надо уметь, о да, и подразделение пятнашки это умеет.
Q1: In the March update players were given a deeper look into the events of Chapter 13 from Gladio's perspective. Will we see more gameplay segments like this in future updates?
A: Though it doesn't take place from the perspective of the buddies, we're scheduled to have some updates that will delve deeper into the events in the game with more detail. These updates have existed as a part of our update roadmap to further enhance the experience of the game.
"Though it doesn't take place from the perspective of the buddies" - они там белины объелись перед тем, как ответить на вопросы? С чьей тогда перспективы, когда ты играешь Игнисом и Гладиолусом? Равуса? Императора Елдуна? Региса? И заметьте, прямо на вопрос - да или нет - они не отвечают. Зато крякают, что всё было так задумано.
Q2: Now that the March Update is behind us, what other plans do you have to update the game in the coming months?
A: We have major updates planned at three month intervals. Among things we have already announced, we now how an idea of when we will be implementing the off-road Regalia and free driving. Please look forward to further information.
Второй вопрос происходит из первого, потому что на первый толкового ответа не дали. Ответ на второй вопрос близок к ответу на первый, с добавлением лишь временного интервала (что заставит любого обладателя 15-ки побеситься, ибо опять подчёркивается ожидание), да и фразы об ИДЕЕ. Ииии очередная просьба с ожиданием игроков того, что разрабы что-то сделают.
Q3: Many players feel like FFXV was too easy, mostly due to the lack of restriction on item usage (minus one dungeon). Are there plans to implement more options to further increase the challenge of the game?
A: Currently no plans for higher difficulty settings, but i results from the upcoming player survey suggest that this is a highly sought-after feature, then there is a possibility that we will explore such an option.
Ответ на третий вопрос: "Скорее всего мы положим на это болт".
Q4: You recently showed some footage of some in-development features, such as driving off road and destroy-able terrain. In that video was an enemy model for Cerberus, whom we got to see in Kingsglaive. Might we expect to face off against the three-headed demon in the future alongside the Dia Weapon?
A: The footage we showed during GDC [SirMeow: Game Developers Conference] was just an example of some technical tests we are running. Of course, if we see that these features are high on players' wish lists, we will look into it. It would be fun to fight against Diamond Weapon, wouldn't it?
Ответ на этот вопрос: "Да, интересная задумка, на которую мы вполне можем тоже положить болт. Но да, задумка ооочень интересная, мы согласны с фанатами".
Q5: Episode Gladiolus launched with a Score Attack feature, allowing players to speed-run the DLC while attempting to get the highest score possible. Has there been any consideration to incorporate Score Attack into existing dungeons in the main game such as Menace Dungeons?
A: The score attack system was incorporated in Episode Gladiolus to add further excitement to the overall experience. The existing dungeons in the main game were not designed with this feature in mind, so unfortunately, implementing the score attack into the main game would be quite challenging.
Ответ: "Нет, на это мы давно положили болт".
Q6: Are there plans to add FFXV's own soundtrack to the in-game MP3 player?
A: This is currently undetermined.
Ответ: "Мы ещё не знаем, класть ли нам на это болт или нет. Но, думаем, вы догадываетесь, чего греха таить".
Q7: Timed Quests have been a fun and rewarding reason to pick FFXV back up between DLCs. However the most recent Timed Quest is available for over a month. How is the team deciding the time frame between the different Timed Quests?
A: The duration of the Timed Quests are determined by their content. Timed Quests will actually be a focal point in the next game update.
Ответ: "А вот TQ мы вас обложим, даже если вам это всралось. Нам надо чем-то контент следующего дополнения забить". Я вспоминаю 13-3, где у вас был лимит по времени на всю игру. Потому что контент самой игры был дырявым, зато таймер действовал на нервы игроку, мол, ты ничего не успеешь!!11, отвлекая. А за все 13 дней вы успеете всё. Зачем вообще нормальным рпг таймквесты? Это - прикрытие дыр в предлагаемом контенте игроку. Это срамота.
Q8: Episode Prompto is the next major DLC for FFXV. What major differences will exist between Episode Gladiolus and Episode Prompto?
A: Everything from the playable characters to the scenario and gameplay will be different. One of the core concepts of the Episode DLC is to fully bring to light the characteristics of each of the characters. Therefore, Episode Gladiolus capitalized on the characteristics of Gladiolus, resulting in powerful battle action. For Episode Prompto, we plan to provide a plot that focuses on Prompto's inner world, and a shooter-type action gameplay that makes the most of his weapon.
Ответ: "Разница в том, что в одном длц вы играете за Гладиолуса, а в другом - Промпто. Ваши кэпы из сквари".
Q9: The community has expressed significant interest in additional DLC episodes, including Lunafreya, Aranea, Ardyn & Ravus. Has there been any talks about expanding upon these possibilities? Perhaps a DLC Season 2?
A: The development tram considered a wide range of possibilities when creating the DLC content. Of course, we took our players' reactions into consideration too. As a result, for the Episode DLC we arrived at the consensus that it would be a good idea to feature Gladiolus, Prompro and Ignis, who travel with Noctis. And we're definitely aware of the increasing interest among players in Lunafreya, Aranea and Arden. We will continue to consder if there's some way we can deliver on these expectations too. There are currently no plans for a Season 2.
Ответ: "Ииии на это по большинству мы положим болт".
Q10: Can we expect a similar amount of play-time for Episode Prompto and Episode Ignis compared to Episode Gladiolus?
A: Episode Gladiolus is one measuring stick as far as volume of content. For the upcoming Episode DLC, we are marching along to provide content that will satisfy our players, so we hope you look forward to what lies ahead.
Ответ: "Мы ебём петухов в свободное время, но мы предоставим охуеннейший контент нашим игрокам с еблей петухов, только, пожалуйста, подождите".
То есть, технически говоря, вам практически ничего не сказали, кроме одного - "ждите".
Как и 10 лет назад, как и 5, как и сейчас, как и спустя 5 лет.
Пара комментов:
- The last question about DLC length and ep Ignis is so frustrating. Just tell me it's 15 hours with a cooking sim!
- And I agree, I think it was some pretty clever dancing around a non-answer. As for the Epi Iggy content - I would love that, tbh. I'm even good with Ignis in Cooking Mama's bonnet and mastering all the recipehs.
- Man im really tired of this answer like "if demand is high".
- I know! I'm just like, "You really aren't sure if the demand for a hard mode is high!? You really haven't seen all the people complaining that the difficulty is too easy? Stop playing dumb and just admit that you're not sure if you'll have time to put it in! Be honest with us! We can take it." It's when they do this damage control thing with the fake answers that people get angry. FFXV may be my favorite game ever made by the way and I think the team did amazing with it. I just get frustrated with how they answer questions sometimes.
- Its more funny when they are acknowledged that demand is high for "Luna, Aranea and Ardyn DLC's" but they still consider it IF DEMAND IS HIGH.
- There is no way to fix this game unless they redid the game. Every chapter is lackluster. The start of the game doesn't even have a real intro.
- 15 is over now show us 16. It was too short, too easy, and they made us wait far too long. It's not an MMO. They're really milking this title in ways only the age of paid DLC would allow. Kind of getting sick of seeing this model of reusing assets and seeing the fanbois gobble it up over and over again.
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