ЗА КААИНЕЕ. Раза два. Раза три.
- Whenever I interacted with Kainé, I was reminded about something from my past. Maybe my mind has been confusing her with my sister this whole time... - Эмиль - Here we go!
Ага, первая норм. фраза, которая даёт понять, что Эмиль чувствовал к Каине.
Fapservice time.
- What anger this creature must have! How did it even survive these past five years!?
- I'm not going to let this happen again. He dies today!
- My sword feels lighter...!
- It's not the blade, but the skill of the user! Strike him down!
Убивая эту тварь чувствуешь небывалое торжество, ну наконец-то D;. Как же меня бесят неубиваемые сугубо по сюжетке боссы. Я после Star Ocean 3 1000+ часов прохождения с персонажами по 255 уровней! СО МНОЙ ШУТКИ ПЛОХИ.
- Alive... Stay alive... Stay alive! - Эмиль.
- ...Grandma? - Каине.
- Kainé, you gotta live! You gotta come back to us! - Эмиль.
Ну вот как не любить Каине-оне-сан?
"You look like shit" - Каине Ниеру. Ять, как же по я по ней скучал.
Оооо как она него смотрит.
- That's a long time... Any luck with Yonah? - Каине.
- We are still no closer to finding her. We need a way to locate the Shadowlord, - Вайс.
- This is for you, - Ниер.
- Lunar Tears...? Did you make this? - Каине.
- It's just a little welcome-back gift. It's not much, I know.
- It's nothing like the one Grandma used to make, but... Ah, hell. Thanks
- Um, excuse me? - подходит Попола.
- We did it, Popola! We freed Kaine! - радостно сообщает Ниер.
- We did it, Popola! We freed Kaine! - радостно сообщает Ниер.
- That's great. Listen, can I talk to you for a minute?
Goddamit, Попола...
На японском Попола звучит поприличней, однако, даже у японцев это, мне кажется, грубовато так реагировать.
У Пополы в кабинете (рядом стоит Девола):
- That doesn't make sense! - Ниер.
- Please try to understand. People are tired and scared, and... I'm sorry. I'm sorry you have to bear the brunt of that, - Попола.
- It's crap! - Ниер.
- It's okay. We can sleep outside, - Эмиль.
- No one's sleeping outside! You and Kainé saved this village, and now they want to run you out!? - Ниер.
- People are afraid of us. And really, I understand. I mean, look at me. As long as you're still with us, I can deal with it. Right, Kainé? - Эмиль.
- I'm used to sleeping outside, - Каине.
- I'm...sorry, - Ниер.
- We'll see you later, - Эмиль.
- We're sorry... - Девола.
- What is the matter? - Вайс.
- Kainé always sleeps outside. I never thought about that until just now. How could I have not noticed that? How selfish am I? What the hell is wrong with me? - Ниер.
- ...We should turn in.
Мысли Ниера:
...I didn't get much sleep that night.
I wanted to blame Devola for everything.
I wanted to grab Popola and strangle her.
But anger won't accomplish anything.
They said and did what they did for the sake of the village.
For the sake of protecting it from the horrifying threat of the Shades.
If Devola and Popola are to blame...
Then I am equally at fault.
For not stopping for a moment to think about Kainé and Emil...
Вообще не понимаю, что в прекрасном Эмиле страшного. Но, впрочем, тут второе средневековье, что с народа взять. И с Деволы и Пополы особенно, но по иной причине.
Утром, дома :
- Sleep well? - Вайс.
- Sure... - Ниер.
- ..... ...Well, if you say so.
- I need to go see Devola and Popola.
- ...Very well.
- ...Hi. I kinda thought you'd never talk to us again.
- This is bigger than you or Popola. It's about the whole damn village.
- I know. ...But regardless, you should go talk to Popola. I think she wanted to discuss the Shadowlord with you.
- I can do that. Oh, and also...
- Yeah?
- Sorry about yesterday. I kind of flew off the handle.
- No you didn't. Besides, it was our fault in the first place. Let Emil and Kainé know that we're sorry, all right?
- I'll do that.
- Oh. Hello.
- Look, I want to apologize for yest-
- Stop. Don't you dare. You had every right to be upset.
- I understand why you did what you did. ...Even if I don't agree. You're just trying to protect the villagers. It's not your fault.
- Well, I still feel terrible. Just so you know.
- .....
- Ahem! I believe there was something you wished to discuss with us? - Вайс.
- Oh, right. Yes, about that. You know the Lost Shrine, right? - Попола.
- The temple where I was first discovered! -
- That's it. And it seems that the Shadowlord's lair is connected to it somehow.
- Oh ho! It was right under our pages the whole time!
- But the entrance is sealed off. And the bridge that led us there... - Ниер.
- So take a boat, - Попола.
- A boat?
- Yes. The trade waterway's been repaired. We've been using it a lot recently. With all the Shades running around, it's safer than trying to cross the plains. There's landing point near the path to the Lost Shrine's back entrance. I let the ferryman know about you. He'll take you wherever you need to go without charge. That should make it easier for you to move from town to town.
- Thanks, Popola. I feel like you've done so much for me. I can't believe I was such an ass to you earlier.
- I told you not to worry about it. So don't.
- All right. I'll see you around.
- Yeah. ...And for the love of everything, be careful!
...давайте пока пошароёбимся где-нить помимо мейнквеста.
Где-то по пути в Seafront:
- Something appears to be amiss with these creatures, - Вайс.
- Well, yeah. They're Shades, - Ниер.
- That is not what I meant. Hmmm... How to explain it?
- You think about it while I kill 'em.
Один из жителей рассказывает, что три года назад причалила какая-то лодка, после чего Black Scrawl стала распростроняться по городу, поубивав половину. А я всё гадал, для чего был этот арт в концептах:
Один из жителей рассказывает, что три года назад причалила какая-то лодка, после чего Black Scrawl стала распростроняться по городу, поубивав половину. А я всё гадал, для чего был этот арт в концептах:
В городе царит печальная обстановка. Опять-таки, не хватает рук, продовольственный кризис, также кто-то из моряков побаивается, что грядёт очередное изменение климата; море какое-то неспокойное, а когда море неспокойное, как рыбку пойти ловить.
На пляже сократилось число морских котиков - мерзкие Тени и до них добрались, до хранителей-талисманов города. До чего ж города и деревни в Ниере мирные, что ничего не организуют...
Здесь есть сабквест, где одна девушка просит найти её фамильную реликвию Mermaid Tear.
Ниер бегает по городу и спрашивает о драгоценном камне. Кое-кто говорит, что большим экспертом в драгоценных камнях была старушка из Маяка. Да, та самая.
- ...Whoa. According to the postmark, they're fifty years old. Didn't that jeweler say the Mermaid Tear was lost fifty years ago? - Ниер.
- Perhaps this is more than coincidence, hmm? It may behoove us to sneak a look inside these letters.
-Well, I suppose it can't hurt... Here's the first letter.
Первое письмо:
"...I am enclosing the Mermaid Tear with my next letter. It is the only thing I have found in this world that can hope to compare to your beauty."
Второе письмо:
"My dearest, I fear I cannot send the Mermaid Tear at this time. I hope you can forgive me for this terrible slight."
"My dearest, I fear I cannot send the Mermaid Tear at this time. I hope you can forgive me for this terrible slight."
- So the Mermaid Tear was supposed to go to the lighthouse lady, but never made it, - Ниер.
- And yet the Tear is no longer with its original owner. What can we conclude from this? - Вайс.
- Hmmm... The second letter was sent from Seafront. Which means the postman's father had started writing letters by that time.
- And therefore, the jewel must have made its way to this town... I smell a rat. To the post office!
Сын почтальона пускает нас, но чёрт побери, я теперь понял в чём проблема Почты России - паззлы. Дело в том, что в Ниере на почте, чтобы добраться до посылки 50-летней давности вам надо решить паззл. Вот он, ответ, который мы искали всю жизнь.
- ...Is this it? - Ниер.
- It bears her name, and the postmark is fifty years old... Look! The jewel lies inside! Quickly, what does the letter say? - Вайс.
"As promised, I am enclosing the Mermaid Tear. Unfortunately, with this gift comes a piece of sad news. My love, I fear the illness which ravages my body will soon claim it. My dreams of traveling to you are all but lost. I desire so to give you this stone with my own hand; that I cannot is my greatest regret."
- He gave her his family's heirloom as a final gift, - Ниер.
- Hold a moment. I see another letter, - Вайс.
- ...It's a death notice.
- Ah. So the man had already passed on when the package arrived at Seafront.
Так как старушка умерла, то остаётся три варианта того, как поступить:
- Отдать камень клиентке.
- Закопать камень в могиле старушки.
- Продать его.
- That thing must stir up some powerful memories, - Ниер.
- But it is far too late to bring it to her now.
- No, it's not. ...I certainly hope so.
- Is something the matter?
- No, it's just that... Well, I've never left here before. I'm just wondering what it's like to see a new place. Someday I hope to take Yonah on a journey like this.
- And someday you shall!
Есть квест на доставку одной посылки от некой бабки (она просит вас не смотреть туда ни в коем случае). Побегав за ней по разным местам, вы узнаете, что там чуть ли не взрывчатка и ядовитые цветы, на что Вайс:
- A supply this size could provide for the military of a small country. It seems you humans are incapable from learning from the mistakes of the past...
На бабку можно донести, но там будут мед. зелья на хп, так что...
Настучав на бабку, вы усадите её за решётку, а в качестве награды получите 50к голды. Вы охуеваете, Ниер охуевает, все охуевают, даже Вайс:
- That woman must have been among the world's most wanted criminals.
...окей, давайте дальше по сюжету.
Как-никак, у нас скоммуниздили дочь.
По словам Пополы база ШЛ (...а как звучит-то...) находится в Lost Shrine. Добраться туда теперь можно использую лодку.
Не перестаю любить это место.
Паззлы. Паззлы. Паззлы.
- Emil? Kaine? I need to... I want you to... Look, I'm sorry, - Ниер.
- Sorry for what? - Эмиль.
- I'm going to talk to the villagers. I want them to let you in.
- Ha ha! Oh, it's no big deal. Right, Kainé?
- I'm used to it.
- Well, you shouldn't be! It's crap, and it needs to change!
- I wish everyone felt the same way, - Эмиль.
- Emil... - Вайс.
- It's all right. Really! I like camping out with Kainé! It's kinda fun in a weird way. Sometimes we sit around the fire and tell stories, or roast-
- Emil! That's enough! ...I got a fucking image to maintain, - Каине.
Помните Ганса и Гретель? Сейчас только Гретель, ведь Ганса мы давно укакошили.
После первых двойных люлей Гретель не сдаётся:
- Kaine! Come back! - Эмиль, сколько боли у мальчика в голосе, - Kaine, please, come back to us!
- Oh dear, - Вайс.
Неее, это надо слышать.
- Kainé! - Ниер.
- Ngh... I...I couldn't hold it back... I can't be with-"
- We're always going to be together, Kainé. If you transform again, we'll just stop it again! As many times as it takes! I don't care how tough it is, we're gonna get you back! I like being outside because I'm with you, Kainé. I'm able to ignore my appearance and keep going because of you. I'm weak, and sad, and lonely, but somehow you make me strong! You're my friend, and I need you! So you can't go away! - выдав это, Эмиль плачет.
- All right! All right. Stop crying. ..... ...Thank you. I'm all right.
- What is this? - Вайс.
Вы будете абсолютно правы, если скажете, что Попола не понимает Ниера, ведь своих детей у неё нет.
- I have no idea, - Ниер.
- How remarkably useless of you. ...Well, let's go ask Popola, - Вайс.
И конечно же у неё есть ответ на вопрос Вайса - это ключ к SL. При этом откуда она об этом знает - никто таким вопросом не задаётся... Хоть бы пояснила откуда она это знает или откуда они знают, что SL именно там.
- We kill them or they kill us. ...Besides, it's the only way to reach the Shadowlord, - Ниер.
- It won't be easy, - Попола.
- Kill Shades and save my daughter. Easiest thing in the world.
- But...but how can you even be sure that she's-
- Because she is! All right!?
- ...
- So the Junk Heap and the Forest of Myth, right? I'm on my way.
- Please be careful.
Вы будете абсолютно правы, если скажете, что Попола не понимает Ниера, ведь своих детей у неё нет.
Перед тем, как Ниер уходит, Попола говорит насчёт Каине и Эмиля:
- The villagers know how much they've sacrificed, and they're thankful. It's just...they're scared. You know? People can't change overnight. I'll hurry them along the best I can, but can you please give them a little more time?
- I guess, - Ниер.
По карте сразу понятно какие, по крайней мере, два места из 4-х вам осталось раскуролесить папой-Ниером.
- Junk Heap
- Forest of Myth
Все помнят что из себя представляет Лес Мифов. Да, туда не очень хочется. Пойдём сначала к роботам.
Постапокалипсис у нас ведь или нет.
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