вторник, 7 февраля 2017 г.

Nier, p11

Помните братьев-сирот, которых 5 лет назад собиралась кинуть их мать?

Иронично, что Вайс предлагает опросить братьев... Теперь из братьев остался только один, и он ошибочно полагает, что робот, которого он увидел, виноват в смерти Джейкоба. На самом деле, робот не виноват, и вы не представляете сколько из этого будет трагедии. 
Ещё я буду скучать по Джейкобу - у него голос Юрки Ловенталя (Дито в дг3). А, стоп, Юра ж обоих братьев озвучивает. *вспомнил каким будет Гидеон - опечалился...*

- Привет!
- Привет! Как брат?
- ....уже 4 года как мёртв.
Это, конечно, странно: неужели за 4 года Ниер ни разу сюда не заходил? Видимо, да.

Гидеон рос один среди опасностей JH, оставленный матерью и братом, и это сказалось: парень ментально очень нестабилен. Если присмотреться, то у него вместо руки - мех. протез. В GW сказано, что он свихнулся в особенности из-за того, что оторвал брату руку, после этого он стал резать сам себе и однажды настолько изувечил свою, что её пришлось отрезать полностью.

Теней сильных и подходящих пол хранителей осколков ключа к SL тут нет, поэтому Ниер и Вайс уходят, но вдруг Гидеон их останавливает словами, что работает над очень могущественным видом оружия. Старый древний меч, знававший лучшие времена. Гидеон специально подбросил этот меч Ниеру, так как тот сраху же согласился достать нужные материалы для починки. И конечно же только у самых сильных йоботов они есть. 

В глубине второго уровня вы находите робота, валите его.

Гидеон не берёт за это платы, но сразу меч не отдаст, так как на улучшение потребуется время. Когда меч будет готов, он вышлет вам письмо. Дальше либо к Пополе, либо в Лес Мифов...


В Seafront есть сабквест, в котором некий мужичок просит вас достать запчасти для маяка, чтобы он снова заработал - это бы обрадовало старушку, что жила на маяке. Как бы эта бабуся меня не бесила, но мне нравится атмосфера связанных с нею квестов, даже после её смерти.
Собственно, запчасти вы собираете здесь, потому что не знаете иных мест. 
Эмиль спрашивает Ниера, собирается ли он выполнить эту просьбу:
- Yeah. There was this old lady that helped me once, and I'm fixing the lighthouse where she used to live, - Ниер.
- Exactly who did the helping is a matter of debate, but regardless... - Вайс.
- Wow, a lighthouse keeper! That sounds kind of romantic! - Эмиль.
- Indeed, she was nothing if not a hopeless romantic, - Вайс.
- Yeah, I guess she was, - Ниер.

В местах, где вас запирают (вы думаете, это ужасно? Это такое в дг3 ужасно!):
- Hmph! I detect not a single hint of intelligence from within that clump of iron, - Вайс.
- Who cares if it's smart when it can smash you into a pancake!? - Эмиль.
- No mere machine can hope to prevail against our intelligence and skill! - Вайс.
- Wow, thanks, book. I feel so much better already, - Каине.

Как меня бесило выбивать здесь для маяка запчасти D: А если вы достаточно богатый буратино, то часть запчастей можно тупо купить у Гидеона. Но это рпг и вам нужен кач.

Пока что тут всё, вы вольны вкачаться, но меня это место изматывает. Поймёте меня, когда закончите вторую концовку.

Дальше вы можете дуть к Пополе или в Лес Мифов.
Так как то, что предложит Попола, влечёт серьёзную мини-арку, насладимся  текстовыми приключениями в Лесе Мифов. На выбор идти туда Вайс говорит:
- You will forgive me if I seem to be less than enthusiastic about such a trip

Дома один нпц даёт допквест на убийство одной сильной тени, которая убила всю его семью. Эта тварь появляется в NP, когда пасмурно. Зачем вам этот квест и эта тварь? за выполнение получите один из мечей для третьей концовки.
- It's hard to imagine a Shade being here. It's almost like it was...waiting for us. They can't be that intelligent! - Эмиль.
- Oh, really now? Can you truly say so with all confidence? The tactics of the Shades grow more intricate with each passing year. It would not surprise me to see them setting elaborate traps for us before long, - Вайс.
-We'd better wipe 'em out before they get too smart, - Каине.
- If we take out the Shadowlord, we take out the Shades. That's all there is to it, - Ниер.

По возвращению вы узнаете, что дочь мужика умирает от атаки монстра, которого заваливал. Он отдаёт вам деньги, сказав, что больше они ему не нужны.
- Why have the gods cursed us?

В той же деревне Ниера есть ещё один сабквест, который можно выполнить, оказавшись в FoM: один мальчик играл в этом лесу и заразился какой-тоболезнью, обеспокоенная мать просит помочь.

По словам главы деревни, что-то странное творится со Святым Древом.
К нему подходить жителям деревни нельзя по иным случаям, кроме молитв.
Если говорить с жителями, то они вам выкатывают истории, каждый - свою. Благо, девелоперы убрали весь текст, так что вроде как его видят только Ниер и Вайс.

У Дерева:

- Why do we seem to encounter nothing but odd people lately?
- You should talk, Weiss.
- Pah! As if Grimoire Weiss is capable of spouting such nonsense!
- Hang on. I don't think he's done.
- ...The dark form that governs all memories. ...May the words form themselves to your liking."
- That would be nice.

Древо глаголит:
Black. Pure darkness. Painted over everything.
Words. Scattered here and there across the blackness. 
Kind words. Difficult words. Amorous words. All sparkling in the dark like jewels.
The words were few now. But time was shorter.
Grabbing the words in desperation, the tree turned to the sky.

This is wrong, whispered the tree in the voice of wind through the leaves. This is not how it was supposed to be.
...The plan has failed.

Once, long ago, the tree had remembered everything about the world. This was its task. Its purpose. It shivered with something approaching joy as it collected the memories of mankind. This was no accident; emotions were as much a part of the tree as root and bark. Memories collected like dew on the thick green leaves of the tree. And once they had formed a web that spanned the entire world.

Words collapsed into sunlight before passing through the leaves and into the pool of memory. From the pool, the words joined together to form colonies, the colonies united into whirlpools of light, and the light coalesced into stars. Each star was like a child of the tree, and it loved them all.
Look at my memory.
A child is here, brought low by disease. He is far too young to have suffered so.
Thin beyond words, the boy's skin is a shade paler than the bleached hospital sheets upon which he lies. His parents no longer visit him, for they cannot bear to watch him suffer. The doctors have long since surrendered his fate to the gods. The boy, too, has abandoned hope. Strange emotions-weariness, hatred-swell within the dark recesses of his young heart. He tries to reject the black terror that germinates in his body, but no amount of effort or tears can drive the invader away. He has long ceased to resent his parents and doctors. Once he did, but now his pain is so great that there is little room in his heart to think of others.

Only one person brings the boy comfort: a healthy young girl with tan skin and deep brown eyes. She is a beacon of brightness and light in the boy's world; her very presence is a comfort to him. But he is unable to look upon her face. Whenever they meet, the boy is filled with loathing for his own state. Soon, this loathing eats away at what joy he receives from the girl's visits. The girl will stop coming. He knows this. His every waking moment is spent in fear of this day. He thinks that if he could take to her, if he could tell her of his feelings, that this might not be so. But this conversation never happens.
The girl disappears.
The boy dies alone.
The tree scoops up this memory and carefully stores it within itself. Etched upon it is a single word: Envy.

Look at my memory.
There is a female warrior. 
Her greatest enemy is a beast with red eyes that she cannot fully comprehend. When she strikes it with her sword, it turns into a pillar of salt and dies. But when the white smoke clears, a new enemy rises. 
And another.

...And another.
The warrior knows that her struggle is folly, but fighting the unending stream of enemies fills her with a sense of joy and purpose. Somewhere deep in the warrior's drug-addled mind lies a vague memory of a daughter. Perhaps the child exists only in her head; the dying remnants of a powerful dream. She does not know. Her friends and fellow warriors come and go. Some flee in terror. Some are eaten. She began the fight with 23 companions, but most are gone now.

The warrior's body shudders. She does not understand why at first. By the time she hears the fierce, low sound, the arena is already enclosed in darkness. Looking up, the warrior sees a beast so large that it blots out the sky. She is laughing. She has been doing so for as long as she can remember. Covered in blood and dirt, the warrior laughs. She laughs and laughs until the town that contains her daughter collapses into a pile of dust. 

This memory has been stored for a long time. It is etched with a single word: Loss.

Look at my memory.
A red dragon falls from the heavens...

Ah, that memory has been lost. A shame. It was a favorite of mine.
Drakengard, ladies&gentlemen.
Другие истории пока никак говорят о своих истоках. 

After many centuries of existence, the tree saw that its carefully labeled memories were beginning to dwindle. Once seemingly infinite, the memories now seemed ready to disappear forever. 

The tree did not feel sadness at this; grief was an emotion beyond its comprehension. 
It did, however, have the distinct feeling that something was missing. 
The mountain of memories it had so carefully assembled had disappeared.
The tree stretched its branches as far as it could, but new memories refused to flow.
The pool of memories was a black, empty pit; a hollow place where life had once flourished. 
The tree had lost is purpose.
There was nothing to be done but sift through the few remaining memories littering the ground under its branches. 
This is why the tree was pleased when the man and his companion entered the room.

Nier: Well, this place is gloomy as hell.

The room Nier had entered was almost completely empty. All he could see were a few crystals scattered haphazardly on the ground. Picking up one of the crystals and peering into it, Nier suddenly saw a familiar sight. It was the Forest of Myth-its villagers prisoners of their own dreams. 

I apologize, the tree thought. That is all that remains.
As Nier stared at the jewel, bewildered, a voice suddenly called out from the depths of his mind. The voice implored them to listen. It was an order. Following it was mandatory. Abruptly, the pair realized they must listen.
They m..us...t li...st...en!

Weiss: Look!

A small, shadowy presence appeared from beneath the floor. It looked to be a Shade. The Shade grasped several jewels in its hand. More jewels tumbled out of its mouth like shards of broken teeth, sights and sounds tinkling from each one before vanishing forever. The creature was abusing the memories, treating the precious objects like a collection of cheap playroom toys.

Weiss: This Shade appears to be consuming the memories.
Nier: That little thing? It's barely worth my time to kill.

The tree extended a branch toward Nier. Without a second thought, Nier brought his blade down on the Shade, tearing its stomach wide. Jewels burst from the Shade and poured across the chamber floor.

Look, thought the tree. There is the Conviction memory I had lost. And Satisfaction. And many others as well. Yes, this is good.

The tree opened its mouth and attempted to speak, but no sound emerged. A millennium of silence and solitude had caused the tree to forget certain things. But rather than be upset, it greeted the development with good cheer. Focusing all its power on the riddle of speech, the tree formed a kind of makeshift vocal cord and tried again. 

"Ahem! I... I implore... *HACK*!"
It spat out a glimmering green jewel.
Hmmm... One more time.
"I implore you."
There we are.

"What was the color of the lost envy?"
- Green
- Brown
- Blue
Если вы правильно помните, то Brown.

Weiss: It spoke! ...This Shade has intelligence! And emotion! 
Nier: Who cares?
Nier brushed Weiss's comment aside as his sword sliced through the Shade's right arm. The Shade extended its remaining arm to Nier. I must must touch him. I must make contact.

The moment its fingers brushed against Nier, the tree felt a warm sensation begin to burn. Something hot coursed through its fingers, up its arm, and out to its entire body. It was emotion, more than the entity had felt its centuries. The tree cried out in surprise and joy. One thousand years in quiet contemplation. The tree felt like it was going to break apart. For long centuries, the tree had been alone, its heart sealed with heavy chains. But no more. New, powerful emotions began to take hold, causing its heart to lighten. This was more than the simple emotions it had been designed to feel; it was the beginnings of a soul. 

And the man was the key.
This was the promise made long ago. This was how it would be released.
The tree's stomach began to throb in pain-a new and unpleasant sensation.
But the time was not yet right.

"I implore you: How many were lost by the warrior who fought the red-eyed beasts?"

- Her daughter and 23 friends. 
- Her daughter and 33 friends.  
- Her daughter and 63 friends.  

Первый вариант.

Nier: Okay, riddle time is over. I'm gonna kill this stupid Shade once and for all.
Something round and shiny fell from the open stomach and clattered to the floor.
"The key!" shouted the book. "Grab the key!"

The man's sword slowed. 
Time began to dilate around them, stretching and slowing. Time is essential. The next word must be heard. 
The words exploded. It became diffi cult to discern their m
eaning. The p ool of memo ies began to c rack as infinite
black ness burrowed its way into the wall. Wei ss: "Thi s
world is fa lling apart!" Nier: "How can a wo
rld of

"I implore... most important thing




The light was complete.

The memories disappeared.

The tree's identity began to dissolve.

As the letters slowly faded, Nier was drawn back to the real world.
And the tree was satisfied.

- I never realized that Shades were capable of rational thought, - Вайс.
- I don't care if they can tap dance and play the fiddle. Can't I just kill something without all this voodoo nonsense, - Ниер.
- With the tree defeated, we no longer have to worry about being buried in its world of letters. Unless, of course, time itself begins to rewind... Hmm...

...прежде, чем вы убежите как ошпаренные: продолжение сабквеста о том, каким образом мальчик из деревни Ниера заболел тут.
Подойдя к Каине, что интересуется, как проходит расследование:
- No. We got nothing.
- ...So what's with the berries?
- We picked them up over by that huge tree. I thought maybe-
- Here, hand 'em over. I'm starving.
- Are you mad! Those berries are clearly poisonous! Even one such as you can't hope to-
- Damn, those are delicious! Gimme some more!
- Really? Well in that case, I suppose I should try one...
Ниер жрёт одну... и падает на пол. Lol.

Подбегает местный, говорит, что Ниер совсем с ума сошёл: ягоды прямо кричат расцветкой, что ядовитые. У мужика есть антидот.
- I thought I was a goner there...
- What kind of an idiot are you!? Didn't you see the lumps? The unusual colors? Why, even a child would know better!
- Look, I was just trying to... Wait, did you say 'child'? Oh, crap. I bet that kid ate one of these berries.
Когда пытаешься показать своей вайфу какой ты крутой.
- It's quite possible. And if the poison is this painful to an adult, I can only imagine what it would do to a child.

Ребята хотят дать антидот Каине:
- Don't need it. ...God, those berries were amazing.
- The truly amazing thing is that your stomach is fouler than your taste in clothing!
- If you had genitals, I would so chop them off right now.

Честное слово, будь Вайс не книгой, а мужиком - ух огонь был бы пейринг. 

Ниеру всё ещё плохо, а Каине ок:
- I feel fine.
- You must have a cast iron stomach, Kainé. Oooohhh...
- The hussy's internal organs are as filthy as her mouth!
- Why do you have to be such a shithead all the time, book?

...давайте отдохнём от потока данных после дерева и что-то ещё поглядим дополнительное.
В Seafront за квест с запчастями вам дадут 30к. Также почтальон даёт вам сабквест на убийство жирной тени на локации между городом и особняком Эмиля.
По словам квестодателя, эта скотина жрёт почтальонов. Собака какая-то... Команда шокирована этим: ведь тени никогда людей не жрали. А трупы после этой тени все изжёванные, обкусанные и так далее. Нет, это не миграция волков с теерритории пустыни.
Жирная тень трудноуловима, но когда вы её находите, то даже Вайса крипанул размер монстра.
- And this close to a human settlement, no less... - Вайс.
- It probably ran out of stuff to eat up on the mountain, - Каине.
- Kainé! Keep your guard up! - Эмиль.
- I'm gonna make sushi out of him! - Каине.
- Such frightening enthusiasm... - Вайс.

За квест - 30к.

В Seafront также есть доп.квест, который затрагивает вопрос о прошлом мира Ниера и экологической катастрофе когда-то. Дедан просит кусок корня дерева, что растёт в Lost Shrine.
Там Эмиль поражается тому, насколько сильными стали Тени:
- They were never this powerful before... - Эмиль; насколько before? Парень, тебе почти 1.5к лет, будь точнее!
- It seems the Shades are continually expanding their forces, - Вайс.
- It looks like they'll just keep pushing us humans back, huh? - Эмиль.
- No. I'll find a way to stop it. I swear it, - Ниер.

Когда сдаёте:
- Oh, how wonderful! This should help my research! See, research is what a scientist does when-
- I know what research is. Get to the point.
- Oh! Well, um... See, fossil records show that, at one point in the distant past, all plant life just up and disappeared from the surface of our planet. But of course, there are plants here now, which means they managed to come back. And I'm trying to figure out how that happened. 
- ...Interesting. If you could figure that out, it might make growing crops a lot easier.
-...Wow! You're way smarter than I thought, buddy! I didn't expect some big muscle-bound barbarian to know anything about... You know what? I'm going to shut up now. Here's your payment! Back to work, then!
Запомните это. Нет, не big muscle-bound barbarian, я про то, что когда все растения исчезли с лица земли и каким-то образом растут сейчас.

Ещё любопытное дополнительное дельцо есть в доме Эмиля. Я б очень хотел посоветовать вам этот квест не брать, поскольку он разбивает сердце и заставляет чувствовать себя чуть ли не мудаком, да и за задание дают всего 15к. И уверяю, что после второй концовки вы будете чувствовать ещё больше неприятных эмоций. Кавия, вот суки. 
Вот про что задание:

- What is it, Sebastian? -Эмиль.
- I was attempting to tidy up the study earlier, only to find that it has been occupied by a Shade, - Себа.
- That seems to be happening a lot lately. You want me to kill it? - Ниер.
 - That may not be necessary, sir. It's not causing any trouble; it is simply sitting in the study, - Себа.
- It didn't attack you? - Вайс.
- It did not, sir, - Себа.
- I don't care if it's wearing a tuxedo and drinking a cocktail! It's a Shade, and I'm going to kill it! - Ниер.
- Whatever you think best, sir, - Себа.

Тень находится в библиотеке. Лично я не могу поднимать руку на персонажей, которые читают. Я вообще в жизни ещё и библиотекарь бывший, считаю святотатством мешать людям - кому угодно - читать. 
Ниер хочет убить Тень по понятным причинам, но вся соль в том, что Тень, которая тут есть, она не атакует. Она от вас бежит, пока вы гоняетесь за ним, пытаясь убить. 
- I wondered that myself. Surely that creature lacks the intelligence to read the books, yet I cannot imagine what else it hoped to accomplish there.

...у Себастьяна помимо этого припасено кое-что на десерт:
- Hello, Sebastian! I'm glad you're doing well, - Эмиль.
- Is something the matter, butler? - Вайс.
- Yes, well... I am searching, sir, for a way to restore Master Emil's body to its previous state.
- Oh, Sebastian...
- Regrettably, the above-ground archives are somewhat limited. According to my information, the records related to Master Emil are stored in the second basement floor. Things would be easier if I could delve into the manor's underground research facilities. But what with all the creatures there..."
- You want us to go down there and take out some Shades? - Ниер.
- Oh no! I can't let you do that for me! - Эмиль.
- Knock it off, Emil. We're friends. This is what friends do.
- Please do keep yourself safe, Master Emil.

*под особняком найдя документы*
- It appears to be a list of names and addresses. Perhaps they were employed at the laboratory. The text has half-faded by this point, but I see one of them used to live in a 'coastal town, - Вайс.
- A coastal town? They must mean Seafront, - Ниер.
- The woman is most likely dead by now, but perhaps a search of her home will turn up something.

Найдя родственника неведомого учёного:
- Did anyone in your family ever do weapon research? Anything like that?
- Um...yeah. Yeah, actually. I think one of my oldest relatives used to do something like that. Why are you asking me this?
- I'm looking into some of her research. You have any old records or anything?
- Oh, man... Maybe? I dunno. If you hold on, I'll go take a look around.

Не могу понять, когда жила эта дама? То есть, получается, что ныне живущий родственник её знал. 
- It's a letter. ...How strange. It is written in a language that I do not recognize, - Вайс
- Yeah, I don't recognize it either. We never could figure out what this was about. But it was important, whatever it is. She kept this thing under lock and key at all times.
-You know, it might be some kind of code that we can decipher back at the lab. You mind if we take this? - Ниер.
- Eh, go ahead. We've just been keeping it around because we don't know what else to do with it."
- Let's go back to the manor and show this to the butler, - Ниер.

В особняке:
- Let's see...it starts with, 'Dearest Emil.' It appears to be a message for you, Master Emil, - Себа.
- A letter is it? - Вайс.
- T-to me!? - Эмиль.


"Dearest Emil,

You do not know me, but I know you. My research has twisted your life in unfathomable ways. I tried to make up for this by serving as your mother, but I know now that my efforts fell far short. I would have done anything to save you from this fate, and you will never know how guilty I feel that I could not".

- ...I remember her now. Hundreds of years ago, there was a woman who watched over myself and my sister. The other scientists treated us like lab rats, but that woman... She was really nice to us. I think she kinda made me what I am today, - Эмиль.
-Your mother, huh? - Ниер.
- You know, I didn't find a way to fix my body, but I don't care anymore. This letter helped me recover my mother, and that means more to me than anything! - Эмиль.

...просто охренеть память у её семьи - я сейчас про родных, а не Эмиля. Хотя у него тоже.

Пришло письмо от Гидеона.
....и теперь мы... 

...отправимся в JH за мечом, сюжетно трагедией и безумием.

Если до этого вы не видели проблески дикой ненависти Гидеона к железкам:
- I want you to avenge my brother!
- That's a rather ponderous favor, - Вайс.
- It's my mission! It's why I've been creating these weapons for the past four years. I don't care about money! I only care about making a weapon strong enough to kill those bastards!
- ...What bastards? - Ниер.
- The ones in the mountain! That little Shade and his robot!
- There are Shades here!? - Вайс.
- Your brother was killed by a Shade? - Ниер.
- Yes.
-And what have we decided, mmm? - Вайс.

Такая клёвая фраза... *Бормотание того, кто всё уже знает*...Кавия, Йоко Таро, я вас люблю, но чтоб вы в аду горели.

Тень, что живёт среди роботов - это удивляет Эмиля.

*глубоко в шахтах, перед огромной дырой вниз к стейджу*
- I'm going in, - Ниер.
- I wish I had half the courage you possess, - Вайс.
- Oh, you're coming with me. 

Кавия, ах вы пидорасы, хватит!

Отвлекусь от своих рыданий - то, как летает этот роботм... бл, это ж невозможно. Ладно, я понял, anime. Или магическая сила Тени? Кто знает.


Я не могу анимировать сцену с уничтожением робота. Я ведь знал, что перепроходить будет тяжело. ЗНАЛ.

Маленькая тень убегает от вас, спасается, но Ниера не остановить. КАВИЮ НЕ ОСТАНОВИТЬ.

Всё, они уничтожены - робот и маленькая тень.
И конечно же приходит Гидеон, который в истерике начинает кричать и бить робота. Должен сказать, что Юрий Ловенталь проделал шикарную работу по озвучке обезумевшего Гидеона. Чёрт, какой же это Дито...

- You stupid machine! You killed my family! You took everything from me! Why did you have to be here!? Why you!? Why are you here!? Why!? 

- Just wait, you freak! You goddamn freak! I'm gonna explore this entire mountain now! I'll make terrible weapons! Killing machines! No one can stop me! Ah hah hah! AAAAAAAAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!!!!

Мощность, омерзительность, ирония этой сцены полностью откроются вам во втором прохождении. 

Милосердием Гидеону и всему миру, мне кажется, было бы убийство младшего из братьев. Жаль, такого выбора игра не предоставляет...

Мне остаётся лишь вновь переживать то, какой я вынужденный по сюжету говнюк.

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