Favargera мне любезно подкинула доп. пищу. Большое спасибо!
В основном треде по новостям касаемо фф15 на mognetcentral люди стали разбирать инфу из интервью девов 15ки.
*The word "Adagium" was actually used during production to keep Ardyn's name a secret. They just decided to include it in the actual game world, and they've admitted its translation from Latin doesn't have any story relevance.Мне нравится, что фандом настолько тупой, что им надо разжёвывать очевидное.
*The word "Adagium" was actually used during production to keep Ardyn's name a secret. They just decided to include it in the actual game world, and they've admitted its translation from Latin doesn't have any story relevance.Понимаити, в контексте того, какие все там пидорасы - и Люцисцы, и КоЛы, и Боги - это слово вполне логично даже заюзать, но не под конец столь продолжительного девелопинга, my ass. Какими бы водами все материалы и доп. контент по фф15 не были наполнены, но отсутствие в употреблении миром данного слова везде, кроме длц - всё же выбивается из общей картины.
*Ardyn and Somnus's relationship is extremely complicated. There's feelings on both sides, which explains some of the odder interactions. There's also a question of Ardyn's sanity regarding these events.
Extremely всраты, I would rather say.
*Ifrit's fate in the DLC was decided upon as it was the only way the team could think of to make things work in the time limit.
Да ладно, Ифрита обосрали не меньше, чем Ардина, по всей стори, так что тут даже оправдываться не надо.
*The name "Izunia" is basically passed off as "Ardyn's absorbed so many memories he can barely recognise his own existence by that point", to paraphrase.
Много игроков удивлялось тому, что не было объяснено происхождение имени Izunia в Эпизоде Сардинки. Многие на тумбе говорили, что это имя либо дал Ардину обожающий его самоизбранный хасбандо Версталь, либо данное имя было изначальной фамилией Сомнуса и Ардина, но после того, как пришла Бахамутка, то имя было изменено на Lucis Caelum.
Я хочу сказать, что мне очень нравилось объяснение фанатов, но девы положили на УЖЕ ГОТОВОЕ объяснение болт, и выкинули на свет своё.
На деле, вариант девов не так уж и плох, но какой бы вариант они не выбрали, понимаешь, что на этот вопрос надо было дать ответ вотщас, и никого особо не колбасило в режиме разработки имя Ардина. Однако, всё это подводит к другому любопытному аспекту - почему одному из самых ключевых персонажей истории так долго не давали конкретного имени?
А всё очень просто, если вы не забыли тот ад, который тряс девелопинг Версуса/15 от начала и до конца.
Напомню вам о Роберто Феррари и его словах касаемо ада В13/15.
I wasn’t part of the 2010 group from XIII that “would have scratched their bellies” (and then turned into the XV one), I came into May 2010. I know I was called in when a (female) designer resigned since she wasn’t able to get any kind of approval from the art director. Then from 2010 till the end of 2011 I worked on the designs I got assigned with, without any big issues. That’s why when the team got resized from 200 workers to around 20 in 2012 (right before the arrival of Tabata and the Type-0 team), I was still there and worked with the newcomers till 2013. Then I left because I followed mister Nomura.
I had no story planned for Gentiana, but I can confirm you that the writers changed the script I received in 2011.
[…] I stand behind what Sakaguchi said about big budget games development: it’s not worth it anymore. But they are also very disorganized. The staff -200 souls- had to work when the story still wasn’t completely defined. In fact, this story kept changing every 3 months and the definitive delivery date for the game was for the end of 2014 (who would have thought it would have been pushed back to November 2016?).
Хотя бы не напи*дели, как Табата, уже за это спасибо. Они и вправду своего ГЗ прописывали очень поздно, ахахахахах.
*The "Submit to Fate" ending is confirmed as the DLC's canon ending leading into XV. The "Resist" ending would've led into the future DLC and will be the path taken by the novel.
Теперь у меня есть отличное предположение, что именно Бахамутка творила с Ноктисом все 10 лет, пока мальчик был в Кристалле. Ну, при условии, что Ноктис бы выкобенивался.
*Bahamut's logic behind his choices for Ardyn and Noctis are more fully explained in the novel.
Я в э т о м д а ж е н е с о м н е в а л с я.
Ну посмотрим, каким подорожником из ереси они прикроют жопку Бахамутки.
Но вы ж понимаете, да, коли там хэээппиэнд, значит, Бахамутка или кто-то там всех реснёт.
*Terada (Episode Ardyn and Episode Ignis director) contributed a lot of his own ideas for Ardyn, such as getting betrayed by the gods.Самое... интересное, что сюжетно в целом эпизоды Игниса и Ардина - самые... лучшие. Вернее, эпизод Игниса, а эпизод Ардина - ровно до превращения Ардина в сугубо пешку, а не в действительно страшную силу, способной пошатнуть Богов, которой он стал по сюжету до. Увы.
Предательство Богов, вернее, Бахамутки, напрашивалось, потому что по всей остальной игре Боги те ещё чмошники и дауны. Ардин должен был остаться Бугименом, который по своему могуществу должен был быть уже вне власти Богов, и только суммарное использование сил "звезды" должно было очистить мир от демоническго суперспида, как казалось по основной концовке этой безумной "игры". Но Ардина низвергли в пешку, как и Ноктиса, только чтобы потом выпилить "хорошечную" концовку. И если Богов там не отпи*дят и от не избавятся, то смысла в ней не будет. Потому что Боги являют собой закостенелых дебилов, которые могли бы попытаться заставить Нефилей найти иммунитет против суперспида, но зачем, если можно попросту устроить массовый геноцид, а потом всех из сохранёнки реснуть.
Сисечный архив Лайтнинг для душ избранных!11 2.0
*The Dawn of the Future's original draft was written by Episode Ardyn scenario director Toru Osanai and given to Emi Nagashima to turn into a novel. The intention was always an alternate grand finale with the concept of "happy ending" at its heart. The whole scenario was planned out by March last year.
Эми, крепись.
*Dawn of the Future will be the very last part of XV's narrative and development. They're moving on to other things at Luminous Productions.
Подтверждено также, что новая игра от LS будет не ФФ-игрой.
*Apparently the reason Episode Ardyn's so heavy on lore/exposition/info dumps and so grim in tone was because it was always intended to set stuff up for the rest of the cancelled DLC. The planned Episode Aranea would've been much lighter in tone, while Episodes Luna and Noctis would've had a serious mood leading up to the alternate finale.
Этот цирк надо заканчивать, потому что игра, где гг нужно отдельное длц - это клиника.
А ещё вот почему:
Ещё прекрасный коммент от Galvea про "Изунию":
The whole "Izunia" thing was already a complete mess at launch, and somehow they managed to make it even worse.
Main Game
Japanese version:
- Ardyn says Izunia is his "real name" twice in the game; once when he saves Noctis and the gang after Titan, and then once again during the Chapter 13 exposition dump at the end. In the info dump he says "Ardyn Izunia is my real name, but it isn't my formal name. My formal name is Ardyn Lucis Caelum." This makes sense, he was an Izunia before he became royalty or whatever and changed his name to Lucis Caelum, fine. Then he follows this up with "Whose surname was Izunia, I wonder...?" which is mindbogglingly stupid. You already said it was your real name, so the surname came from your parents, duh! The consensus at the time on 2ch/5ch was that this was a major brainfart from the JP writing team. It's either that or they don't actually understand what "real name" means or how to use it.
English version:
- Ardyn straight up says Ardyn Izunia isn't the name he was born with (aka he's been using a fake name all along). His REAL name is Ardyn Lucis Caelum.
Japanese version:
- Later on, in Chapter 14, Talcott tells Noctis that he and Ignis investigated the royal tombs and found records of a man called "Ardyn Izunia" who was executed on suspicion of being a daemon. So "Ardyn Izunia" was most likely his real name, fine. It's worth noting that Talcott's explanation was literally pointless because we already heard all that about 5 - 10 minutes ago. Noctis's polite but unimpressed "huh" in the Japanese version pretty much sums up the player's feelings about this. Would have been better if Talcott said, "Hey, did you know your ancestors were originally Izunias?"
English version:
- Talcott says they found Ardyn's name in the records, but doesn't explicitly state the name was given as "Ardyn Izunia".
German version:
- Dossier for Ardyn specifically states that he was the firstborn of the Izunia family before they became the Lucis Caelums. This line does not exist in any other language version of his dossier, not even the Japanese ver.
My guess is that the English localization team, like the Japanese players, felt that Ardyn's explanation for his name in the Japanese version made no sense so they changed it. They did something similar with the massive walking plothole that is Gentiana by implying that she is a high messenger that Shiva sometimes takes over to communicate with Noctis (English version), instead of Gentiana being Shiva in disguise (Japanese version).
Episode Ardyn
Japanese version:
- Right after Ardyn wakes up in Verstael's military lab, he is asked to meet with Verstael. They address him as "Ardyn(-sama)."
English version:
- They address him as "Ardyn Izunia" over the PA.
Famitsu Interview
- Ardyn absorbed so many memories over the years he's lost track of his own identity. Where did 'Izunia' come from? Oh, he doesn't remember. Keep in mind that this explanation is by the same people who previously said that they don't know how the first Oracle came to be, they don't have the lore written out for that, which is false: Bahamut chose a woman and gave her his trident and Oracle powers. You don't even have to read the Ultimania for that, it's in the game.
- They also mention that they included Ifrit in Ep. Ardyn because they found a way to make it work, story-wise. Uh no? Ifrit was only resurrected 11 years before the start of the game. Strangely enough, the dossier for Ravatogh implies that Ifrit's body was only removed from Ravatogh "several years ago", so the timeline was already inconsistent for Ifrit's resurrection even in the main game. I don't know about anyone else, but "11 years" =/= "several years" to me.
Продолжает эту тему Squall_of_SeeD:
I want to follow up Galvea's excellent observations with the actual in-game text for them, as well as make some additional observations by bringing in the French localization.
As Galvea mentioned, doublechecking the main game in Japanese, Talcott says a record of the name "Ardyn Izunia" was what he and Ignis discovered in the tombs during the ten years they were waiting for Noct:
- かなり昔の資料に 同じ名前があったんです アーデン・イズニアって
- "A very old document had that same name. It said Ardyn Izunia."
This is also the case in the German localization:
- Wir sind in alten Schriften auf einen vertrauten Namen gestoßen: Ardyn Izunia.
- "We found a familiar name in the ancient documents: Ardyn Izunia."
And in the French:
- Finalement, on a trouvé quelque chose de bizarre. Un homme du même nom était mentionné dans un document très ancien. « Ardyn Izunia », pareil.
- "Finally, we found something strange: a man with the same name was mentioned in a very ancient document. 'Ardyn Izunia,' the same."
The English localization oddly enough does not bother mentioning Ardyn's last name here.
Refreshing my memory of other languages' take on the lines from Ardyn's big reveal in Chapter 13 is equally interesting.
Here's the Japanese:
- 俺の名前さ あれ本名だけど 正式名じゃなかったんだよね アーデン・ルシス・チェラム 正式名
- "About my name... That is my real name, but it isn't my formal name. Ardyn Lucis Caelum is my formal name."
- Ich heiße tatsächlich Ardyn. Allerdings nur in Kurzform. Den Nachnamen habe ich ausgelassen. Ardyn Lucis Caelum - mein Name! Hm… Von wem war noch mal der Name Izunia?
- "My name is Ardyn. Only in short form, however. I omitted the last name. Ardyn Lucis Caelum -- my name! Hm... Who else had the name Izunia?"
And French:
- Quand je t’ai donné mon nom, je ne t’ai pas menti, mais je n’ai pas précisé mon nom officiel. Ardyn Lucis Caelum. Comme le tien. Mais… Izunia est resté mon nom de famille.
- "When I gave you my name, I did not lie to you, but I did not specify my official name. Ardyn Lucis Caelum. Like yours. But... Izunia remained my family name."
There's also the German take on Ardyn's entry in the Datalog under the Dossiers to consider:
- Als Erstgeborener der Familie Izunia, die einst für ihre besonderen Fähigkeiten zur Linie der Lucis Caelum erwählt wurde, hätte er der erste Kônig zum Schutze des Kristalls werden sollen.
- "As the firstborn of the Izunia family, chosen for their special skills to become the Lucis Caelum lineage, he should have become the first king to protect the Crystal."
The German and French localizations confidently strode ahead with this understanding about Ardyn's original surname, as they went this route with his revelatory line to Ignis in the Verse 2 version of events from "Episode Ignis". The English localization of course did not, nor did the Japanese for that matter -- but I think we have to look at them.
- Vollständig... lautet mein Name: Ardyn Lucis Caelum Izunia!
- "In complete... my name is: Ardyn Lucis Caelum Izunia!"
- Mon véritable nom… Je te le donne en entier : Ardyn « Lucis Caelum » Izunia.
- "My real name ... I give it to you in full: Ardyn 'Lucis Caelum' Izunia."
So, in light of some versions getting things correct that hadn't yet been verified beyond doubt otherwise (e.g. the English, German and Portuguese localizations with the "Episode Gladiolus" loading screen claiming Ifrit's body was at the Rock of Ravatogh; or the English bestiary's entry on Ifrit claiming he gave mankind the gift of fire; or the German localization's bestiary entry on Shiva claiming she and Ifrit had been lovers), I'm still inclined to say the Izunia name really was meant to be Ardyn and Somnus's family name, and was included in the lore Bible distributed to the various localization teams way back when.
Especially since even the Japanese version has Ardyn call it his "real name," contrasting it with his "formal name." And let's definitely not forget that the Japanese version also has Talcott say that the complete "Ardyn Izunia" name was mentioned in the document from the royal tombs.
For that matter, even this silly explanation from scenario director Toru Osanai in the Famitsu interview doesn't necessarily preclude that it could have been his original family name. He only says that Ardyn's own identity became so muddled from absorbing memories that he no longer knows who it was connected to.
Of course, to make that explanation work, one has to accept the notion that Ardyn remembers enough about his own identity to not only have reasons to hate the royal family but to accurately remember what those reasons from 2000 years ago are ... yet still not be able to remember the family's original name.
Whatever, though. Frankly, given how grounded in himself and his desire for revenge that Ardyn seems to be all of the freakin' time, it's hard to even accept the notion to begin with that his identity is become muddled. I don't feel the dev team successfully sold that idea here.
Now, I could accept that his turn to the maniacal was a result of absorbing Ifrit's memories -- and thus, also the god's enmity for humanity at large. That actually seems to fit, seeing as we get Ardyn cackling like the Joker the moment after he absorbs Ifrit, and then embracing his power to turn people into daemons thereafter.
As Galvea also mentioned, this development team has demonstrated a disappointing lack of familiarity with established lore in several places.
There's scenario director Toru Osanai responding to the question "How did Aera become an Oracle herself?" with "We actually do not have a detailed back story as to how the first Oracle came about" in the Episode Ardyn Prologue Q&A -- despite it long ago being mentioned in at least two places (the FFXV Scenario Side Ultimania, as well as the in-game Cosmogony entry on the Oracle) that Bahamut gave her both the trident and her powers.
There's also the confusing comment from Aera in the anime prologue itself in which she tells Somnus "The Crystal has no will of its own." This is patently false, as the in-game lore tutorial at the very beginning tells us "The Crystal is the divine cornerstone of the Kingdom of Lucis. The Stone has a will of its own, and channels its sacred power through the Ring of the Lucii to the monarch who bears it." Not only that, but we have multiple references otherwise to the notion that the Crystal chooses Noctis.
Вот дикий сюжетный косяк, о котором я совершенно забыл сказать.
reading some translated bits of the livestream
the excerpts of Lunas section of the book are all about her moping about Noctis, as expected lol.
and as I imagined, Ep Noctis was also going to focus on the time he spent sleeping in the crystal, some dialogue was found in the datamine suggesting it was planned to be in the main game then removed. It was always clear Noctis came out of the crystal with a deeper understanding of the situation, which explains his resolve and maturity.
Ep Aranea was supposed to be even more action based than the main game and that spear in the artwork would be her main weapon in the dlc.
Я не удивлён, у Луны тяжкая судьба-п*здец.
...и всё же... я бы хотел эпизод Аранейки... эх... Нет, к лучшему, ну это в задницу.
Фандом фф15 после эпизода Сардинки:
В основном треде по новостям касаемо фф15 на mognetcentral люди стали разбирать инфу из интервью девов 15ки.
*The word "Adagium" was actually used during production to keep Ardyn's name a secret. They just decided to include it in the actual game world, and they've admitted its translation from Latin doesn't have any story relevance.Мне нравится, что фандом настолько тупой, что им надо разжёвывать очевидное.
*The word "Adagium" was actually used during production to keep Ardyn's name a secret. They just decided to include it in the actual game world, and they've admitted its translation from Latin doesn't have any story relevance.Понимаити, в контексте того, какие все там пидорасы - и Люцисцы, и КоЛы, и Боги - это слово вполне логично даже заюзать, но не под конец столь продолжительного девелопинга, my ass. Какими бы водами все материалы и доп. контент по фф15 не были наполнены, но отсутствие в употреблении миром данного слова везде, кроме длц - всё же выбивается из общей картины.
*Ardyn and Somnus's relationship is extremely complicated. There's feelings on both sides, which explains some of the odder interactions. There's also a question of Ardyn's sanity regarding these events.
Extremely всраты, I would rather say.
*Ifrit's fate in the DLC was decided upon as it was the only way the team could think of to make things work in the time limit.
Да ладно, Ифрита обосрали не меньше, чем Ардина, по всей стори, так что тут даже оправдываться не надо.
*The name "Izunia" is basically passed off as "Ardyn's absorbed so many memories he can barely recognise his own existence by that point", to paraphrase.
Много игроков удивлялось тому, что не было объяснено происхождение имени Izunia в Эпизоде Сардинки. Многие на тумбе говорили, что это имя либо дал Ардину обожающий его самоизбранный хасбандо Версталь, либо данное имя было изначальной фамилией Сомнуса и Ардина, но после того, как пришла Бахамутка, то имя было изменено на Lucis Caelum.
Я хочу сказать, что мне очень нравилось объяснение фанатов, но девы положили на УЖЕ ГОТОВОЕ объяснение болт, и выкинули на свет своё.
На деле, вариант девов не так уж и плох, но какой бы вариант они не выбрали, понимаешь, что на этот вопрос надо было дать ответ вотщас, и никого особо не колбасило в режиме разработки имя Ардина. Однако, всё это подводит к другому любопытному аспекту - почему одному из самых ключевых персонажей истории так долго не давали конкретного имени?
А всё очень просто, если вы не забыли тот ад, который тряс девелопинг Версуса/15 от начала и до конца.
Напомню вам о Роберто Феррари и его словах касаемо ада В13/15.
I wasn’t part of the 2010 group from XIII that “would have scratched their bellies” (and then turned into the XV one), I came into May 2010. I know I was called in when a (female) designer resigned since she wasn’t able to get any kind of approval from the art director. Then from 2010 till the end of 2011 I worked on the designs I got assigned with, without any big issues. That’s why when the team got resized from 200 workers to around 20 in 2012 (right before the arrival of Tabata and the Type-0 team), I was still there and worked with the newcomers till 2013. Then I left because I followed mister Nomura.
I had no story planned for Gentiana, but I can confirm you that the writers changed the script I received in 2011.
[…] I stand behind what Sakaguchi said about big budget games development: it’s not worth it anymore. But they are also very disorganized. The staff -200 souls- had to work when the story still wasn’t completely defined. In fact, this story kept changing every 3 months and the definitive delivery date for the game was for the end of 2014 (who would have thought it would have been pushed back to November 2016?).
Хотя бы не напи*дели, как Табата, уже за это спасибо. Они и вправду своего ГЗ прописывали очень поздно, ахахахахах.
*The "Submit to Fate" ending is confirmed as the DLC's canon ending leading into XV. The "Resist" ending would've led into the future DLC and will be the path taken by the novel.
Теперь у меня есть отличное предположение, что именно Бахамутка творила с Ноктисом все 10 лет, пока мальчик был в Кристалле. Ну, при условии, что Ноктис бы выкобенивался.
*Bahamut's logic behind his choices for Ardyn and Noctis are more fully explained in the novel.
Я в э т о м д а ж е н е с о м н е в а л с я.
Ну посмотрим, каким подорожником из ереси они прикроют жопку Бахамутки.
Но вы ж понимаете, да, коли там хэээппиэнд, значит, Бахамутка или кто-то там всех реснёт.
*Terada (Episode Ardyn and Episode Ignis director) contributed a lot of his own ideas for Ardyn, such as getting betrayed by the gods.Самое... интересное, что сюжетно в целом эпизоды Игниса и Ардина - самые... лучшие. Вернее, эпизод Игниса, а эпизод Ардина - ровно до превращения Ардина в сугубо пешку, а не в действительно страшную силу, способной пошатнуть Богов, которой он стал по сюжету до. Увы.
Предательство Богов, вернее, Бахамутки, напрашивалось, потому что по всей остальной игре Боги те ещё чмошники и дауны. Ардин должен был остаться Бугименом, который по своему могуществу должен был быть уже вне власти Богов, и только суммарное использование сил "звезды" должно было очистить мир от демоническго суперспида, как казалось по основной концовке этой безумной "игры". Но Ардина низвергли в пешку, как и Ноктиса, только чтобы потом выпилить "хорошечную" концовку. И если Богов там не отпи*дят и от не избавятся, то смысла в ней не будет. Потому что Боги являют собой закостенелых дебилов, которые могли бы попытаться заставить Нефилей найти иммунитет против суперспида, но зачем, если можно попросту устроить массовый геноцид, а потом всех из сохранёнки реснуть.
Сисечный архив Лайтнинг для душ избранных!11 2.0
*The Dawn of the Future's original draft was written by Episode Ardyn scenario director Toru Osanai and given to Emi Nagashima to turn into a novel. The intention was always an alternate grand finale with the concept of "happy ending" at its heart. The whole scenario was planned out by March last year.
Эми, крепись.
*Dawn of the Future will be the very last part of XV's narrative and development. They're moving on to other things at Luminous Productions.
Подтверждено также, что новая игра от LS будет не ФФ-игрой.
*Apparently the reason Episode Ardyn's so heavy on lore/exposition/info dumps and so grim in tone was because it was always intended to set stuff up for the rest of the cancelled DLC. The planned Episode Aranea would've been much lighter in tone, while Episodes Luna and Noctis would've had a serious mood leading up to the alternate finale.
Этот цирк надо заканчивать, потому что игра, где гг нужно отдельное длц - это клиника.
А ещё вот почему:
Ещё прекрасный коммент от Galvea про "Изунию":
The whole "Izunia" thing was already a complete mess at launch, and somehow they managed to make it even worse.
Main Game
Japanese version:
- Ardyn says Izunia is his "real name" twice in the game; once when he saves Noctis and the gang after Titan, and then once again during the Chapter 13 exposition dump at the end. In the info dump he says "Ardyn Izunia is my real name, but it isn't my formal name. My formal name is Ardyn Lucis Caelum." This makes sense, he was an Izunia before he became royalty or whatever and changed his name to Lucis Caelum, fine. Then he follows this up with "Whose surname was Izunia, I wonder...?" which is mindbogglingly stupid. You already said it was your real name, so the surname came from your parents, duh! The consensus at the time on 2ch/5ch was that this was a major brainfart from the JP writing team. It's either that or they don't actually understand what "real name" means or how to use it.
English version:
- Ardyn straight up says Ardyn Izunia isn't the name he was born with (aka he's been using a fake name all along). His REAL name is Ardyn Lucis Caelum.
Japanese version:
- Later on, in Chapter 14, Talcott tells Noctis that he and Ignis investigated the royal tombs and found records of a man called "Ardyn Izunia" who was executed on suspicion of being a daemon. So "Ardyn Izunia" was most likely his real name, fine. It's worth noting that Talcott's explanation was literally pointless because we already heard all that about 5 - 10 minutes ago. Noctis's polite but unimpressed "huh" in the Japanese version pretty much sums up the player's feelings about this. Would have been better if Talcott said, "Hey, did you know your ancestors were originally Izunias?"
English version:
- Talcott says they found Ardyn's name in the records, but doesn't explicitly state the name was given as "Ardyn Izunia".
German version:
- Dossier for Ardyn specifically states that he was the firstborn of the Izunia family before they became the Lucis Caelums. This line does not exist in any other language version of his dossier, not even the Japanese ver.
My guess is that the English localization team, like the Japanese players, felt that Ardyn's explanation for his name in the Japanese version made no sense so they changed it. They did something similar with the massive walking plothole that is Gentiana by implying that she is a high messenger that Shiva sometimes takes over to communicate with Noctis (English version), instead of Gentiana being Shiva in disguise (Japanese version).
Episode Ardyn
Japanese version:
- Right after Ardyn wakes up in Verstael's military lab, he is asked to meet with Verstael. They address him as "Ardyn(-sama)."
English version:
- They address him as "Ardyn Izunia" over the PA.
Famitsu Interview
- Ardyn absorbed so many memories over the years he's lost track of his own identity. Where did 'Izunia' come from? Oh, he doesn't remember. Keep in mind that this explanation is by the same people who previously said that they don't know how the first Oracle came to be, they don't have the lore written out for that, which is false: Bahamut chose a woman and gave her his trident and Oracle powers. You don't even have to read the Ultimania for that, it's in the game.
- They also mention that they included Ifrit in Ep. Ardyn because they found a way to make it work, story-wise. Uh no? Ifrit was only resurrected 11 years before the start of the game. Strangely enough, the dossier for Ravatogh implies that Ifrit's body was only removed from Ravatogh "several years ago", so the timeline was already inconsistent for Ifrit's resurrection even in the main game. I don't know about anyone else, but "11 years" =/= "several years" to me.
Продолжает эту тему Squall_of_SeeD:
I want to follow up Galvea's excellent observations with the actual in-game text for them, as well as make some additional observations by bringing in the French localization.
As Galvea mentioned, doublechecking the main game in Japanese, Talcott says a record of the name "Ardyn Izunia" was what he and Ignis discovered in the tombs during the ten years they were waiting for Noct:
- かなり昔の資料に 同じ名前があったんです アーデン・イズニアって
- "A very old document had that same name. It said Ardyn Izunia."
This is also the case in the German localization:
- Wir sind in alten Schriften auf einen vertrauten Namen gestoßen: Ardyn Izunia.
- "We found a familiar name in the ancient documents: Ardyn Izunia."
And in the French:
- Finalement, on a trouvé quelque chose de bizarre. Un homme du même nom était mentionné dans un document très ancien. « Ardyn Izunia », pareil.
- "Finally, we found something strange: a man with the same name was mentioned in a very ancient document. 'Ardyn Izunia,' the same."
The English localization oddly enough does not bother mentioning Ardyn's last name here.
Refreshing my memory of other languages' take on the lines from Ardyn's big reveal in Chapter 13 is equally interesting.
Here's the Japanese:
- 俺の名前さ あれ本名だけど 正式名じゃなかったんだよね アーデン・ルシス・チェラム 正式名
- "About my name... That is my real name, but it isn't my formal name. Ardyn Lucis Caelum is my formal name."
- Ich heiße tatsächlich Ardyn. Allerdings nur in Kurzform. Den Nachnamen habe ich ausgelassen. Ardyn Lucis Caelum - mein Name! Hm… Von wem war noch mal der Name Izunia?
- "My name is Ardyn. Only in short form, however. I omitted the last name. Ardyn Lucis Caelum -- my name! Hm... Who else had the name Izunia?"
And French:
- Quand je t’ai donné mon nom, je ne t’ai pas menti, mais je n’ai pas précisé mon nom officiel. Ardyn Lucis Caelum. Comme le tien. Mais… Izunia est resté mon nom de famille.
- "When I gave you my name, I did not lie to you, but I did not specify my official name. Ardyn Lucis Caelum. Like yours. But... Izunia remained my family name."
There's also the German take on Ardyn's entry in the Datalog under the Dossiers to consider:
- Als Erstgeborener der Familie Izunia, die einst für ihre besonderen Fähigkeiten zur Linie der Lucis Caelum erwählt wurde, hätte er der erste Kônig zum Schutze des Kristalls werden sollen.
- "As the firstborn of the Izunia family, chosen for their special skills to become the Lucis Caelum lineage, he should have become the first king to protect the Crystal."
The German and French localizations confidently strode ahead with this understanding about Ardyn's original surname, as they went this route with his revelatory line to Ignis in the Verse 2 version of events from "Episode Ignis". The English localization of course did not, nor did the Japanese for that matter -- but I think we have to look at them.
- Vollständig... lautet mein Name: Ardyn Lucis Caelum Izunia!
- "In complete... my name is: Ardyn Lucis Caelum Izunia!"
- Mon véritable nom… Je te le donne en entier : Ardyn « Lucis Caelum » Izunia.
- "My real name ... I give it to you in full: Ardyn 'Lucis Caelum' Izunia."
So, in light of some versions getting things correct that hadn't yet been verified beyond doubt otherwise (e.g. the English, German and Portuguese localizations with the "Episode Gladiolus" loading screen claiming Ifrit's body was at the Rock of Ravatogh; or the English bestiary's entry on Ifrit claiming he gave mankind the gift of fire; or the German localization's bestiary entry on Shiva claiming she and Ifrit had been lovers), I'm still inclined to say the Izunia name really was meant to be Ardyn and Somnus's family name, and was included in the lore Bible distributed to the various localization teams way back when.
Especially since even the Japanese version has Ardyn call it his "real name," contrasting it with his "formal name." And let's definitely not forget that the Japanese version also has Talcott say that the complete "Ardyn Izunia" name was mentioned in the document from the royal tombs.
For that matter, even this silly explanation from scenario director Toru Osanai in the Famitsu interview doesn't necessarily preclude that it could have been his original family name. He only says that Ardyn's own identity became so muddled from absorbing memories that he no longer knows who it was connected to.
Of course, to make that explanation work, one has to accept the notion that Ardyn remembers enough about his own identity to not only have reasons to hate the royal family but to accurately remember what those reasons from 2000 years ago are ... yet still not be able to remember the family's original name.
Whatever, though. Frankly, given how grounded in himself and his desire for revenge that Ardyn seems to be all of the freakin' time, it's hard to even accept the notion to begin with that his identity is become muddled. I don't feel the dev team successfully sold that idea here.
Now, I could accept that his turn to the maniacal was a result of absorbing Ifrit's memories -- and thus, also the god's enmity for humanity at large. That actually seems to fit, seeing as we get Ardyn cackling like the Joker the moment after he absorbs Ifrit, and then embracing his power to turn people into daemons thereafter.
As Galvea also mentioned, this development team has demonstrated a disappointing lack of familiarity with established lore in several places.
There's scenario director Toru Osanai responding to the question "How did Aera become an Oracle herself?" with "We actually do not have a detailed back story as to how the first Oracle came about" in the Episode Ardyn Prologue Q&A -- despite it long ago being mentioned in at least two places (the FFXV Scenario Side Ultimania, as well as the in-game Cosmogony entry on the Oracle) that Bahamut gave her both the trident and her powers.
There's also the confusing comment from Aera in the anime prologue itself in which she tells Somnus "The Crystal has no will of its own." This is patently false, as the in-game lore tutorial at the very beginning tells us "The Crystal is the divine cornerstone of the Kingdom of Lucis. The Stone has a will of its own, and channels its sacred power through the Ring of the Lucii to the monarch who bears it." Not only that, but we have multiple references otherwise to the notion that the Crystal chooses Noctis.
I'm less concerned by the discrepancy between Ramuh resting at Angelgard versus resting at Fociaugh Hollow. I don't know that the two need be mutually exclusive, and since we know Bahamut wanted Ardyn released from his prison anyway, it's not odd that Ramuh wouldn't have interfered with Verstael's operation.
I'm much more bothered with the team messing up Ifrit and Shiva's timeline. This is an equally obvious and egregious error to the others above.
We were shown previously that Shiva's original body was killed by the Empire while trying to get to Ifrit, having sensed him in distress upon being infected by the scourge. However, no less than two sources (the FFXV Ultimania Scenario Side timeline and Verstael's research logs from "Episode Prompto") told us that the Empire's throwdown with Shiva happened in M.E. 745 -- only eleven years before FFXV's present day events begin.
Вот дикий сюжетный косяк, о котором я совершенно забыл сказать.
Also, it simply wouldn't make sense for the Empire to have defeated Shiva thirty or more years prior to Chapter 1. It was only in M.E. 722 that Verstael received the calculations from Ardyn that allowed him to even begin developing the magitek infantry that would eventually defeat Shiva.
Either something is heavily amiss (i.e. there's a retcon or oversight here) or Ifrit was still able to reconstitute himself without infection due to the relatively short time (approximately seven years) he had been subjugated at the point Bahamut killed him for the second time here in "Episode Ardyn."
Perhaps not for nothing, Shiva does imply in Chapter 12 that it would have once still been possible to save Ifrit from the scourge, though considers it now too late -- so perhaps dying at Bahamut's hands again in M.E. 734 was still within the necessary timeframe for recovery, requiring Ardyn to make a trip to Ravatogh and daemonify Ifrit again after. However, that still raises burning questions (puns always intended) of why Shiva didn't react to his plight the first time he was infected and turned to Ardyn's will, especially since the research facility where this happened to Ifrit is extremely close to the Ghorovas Rift where Shiva was slumbering.
reading some translated bits of the livestream
the excerpts of Lunas section of the book are all about her moping about Noctis, as expected lol.
and as I imagined, Ep Noctis was also going to focus on the time he spent sleeping in the crystal, some dialogue was found in the datamine suggesting it was planned to be in the main game then removed. It was always clear Noctis came out of the crystal with a deeper understanding of the situation, which explains his resolve and maturity.
Ep Aranea was supposed to be even more action based than the main game and that spear in the artwork would be her main weapon in the dlc.
Я не удивлён, у Луны тяжкая судьба-п*здец.
...и всё же... я бы хотел эпизод Аранейки... эх... Нет, к лучшему, ну это в задницу.
Фандом фф15 после эпизода Сардинки:
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