Перед тем, как отправиться в пустыню, можно взять второй допквест у любимой доченьки. Ребёнок просит отца не об аленьком
- Your Yonah certainly has some... eccentric tastes... - Вайс.
- She's always been that way. But if that's what she wants, then that's what I'll get, - Ниер.
- Being her guardian must present some unique challenges.
- I just need to see her smile; then it's all worth it.
- Thanks, Dad!
- I've been getting you lots of food lately, Yonah. What are you planning?
- It's a secret! Just wait a little longer, okay?
- Yonah...? - до Ниера дошло, что вскоре будет.
- Ta-daaa! Here you go, Dad! I made it all by myself!
- ..Is this a cake?
- Yep! Popola taught me how to bake one! This is a big secret, Dad! It's why I needed all that fruit.
- Well, um...thanks, Yonah. This is really something.
- Come on! Try it, try it!
- Oh. I'm not all that hungry, so I... Well, all right.
- Thanks! I made, like, seven cakes, so there's tons of leftovers.
- ....
- Fatherhood can be a trying experience, - Вайс.
- Yeah...
Вы вольны заняться другими квестами... но мы пойдём пока вперед, уж очень я соскучился по Facade. Город расположен в пустыне, в которую можно попасть через Eastern Road.
- So, what's Facade like? - Ниер.
- It's strange. Let's just leave it at that, - Каине.
- Stranger than a boorish young woman who battles monsters in her undergarments!? - Вайс.
- ...Let's go, - Каине.
Псореди пустыни находится песчаный... фонтан.
- What's that thing?! - Н.
- It is known as a scorpion. Phylum Arthropoda, subphylum Chelicerata, order Scorpionida. They are closely related in form and structure to other arachnids, - В.
- Well, that clears everything up.
- It's an enemy. Kill it.
- Now that I understand!
- Looks like a graveyard... - Н.
- The headstones seem to be lacking names. Also, why do they shine as if they were carved from the rock just yesterday? - В.
Помимо скорпионов на территории пустыни часто появляются волки и целой стаей наваливаются на тебя. Их вожак же пока держится вдалеке:
...весьма приветливо относятся к Каине и впускают внутрь.
По словам Каине, однажды она спасла местных детей от волков, с тех жетели ей благодарны. Даже такой как Каине тут рады, хмыкает она.
- I'll stay here. I hate crap like this, - К.
- I don't know whether to thank you or wish you ill, - В.
Каине желает парням удачи в понимании безумного языка Факадцев, а сама, по привычке, остаётся ждать снаружи.
- Maybe I should have studied languages when I was a kid... - Н.
- You could speak a thousand tongues and still fail if you lack knowledge of another's culture, -В.
Заметка об этнологии от Вайса C:
- How do we even get there?
- With willpower and smarts, my good man!
В этом городе вас забеут 3 аккорда: песок (который переплыть можно только на спец. лодочке, что циркулирует по всему городу), лестницы и правила.
- Come one, Weiss, help me out here.
- I am a brilliant book of unspeakable value, not some dog-eared travel guide!
- All these stairs... They couldn't have made this more needlessly complicated if they tried!
- We'd best figure out a way to the king. Elsewise, we'll be ascending and descending stairs until doomsday!
У входа в замок нас ждёт облом, поэтому приходится возвращаться ко входу в город. Там мы встречаем одного из факадцев, что опрокидывает миску с фруктами, а Ниер помогает собрать всё упавшее. Вайс понял, что житель выражал благодарность языком жестов, который Вайс понимает.
- You're welcome? - Ниер.
- 'I...am Fyra. Are...you...in trouble?'"
- No, we just need to ask your leaders about something. But I can't do that unless I can understand them, - Ниер.
- 'I...can... Guide...you?' Oh, she will act as our guide! How fortuitous! - Вайс.
- 'But...first...I must...explain...this town.' -
- I'm not here for a tour.
- 'No... There are rules to follow... Follow...me.' ...Well, there you have it.
Добрая девочка помогает Ниеру в ознакомлении с городом и местными парвилами.
- All shops and houses in this city must abide by the following rule. Rule 106: Do not live on level ground.
- Rule 106? - Ниер.
- We have many rules, - Фира.
- Is Rule 106 the reason for your labyrinthine system of staircases? - Вайс.
- Yes. That is the rule, - Фира.
- Well, I suppose eccentric people deserve an eccentric town, - Вайс.
- Rule 115,017: You must view the town by ship before purchasing any items, - Ф.
- Oh, come now! What could possibly be the point of such an absurd rule!? - В.
- I don't know. It's a rule that was in place when I first came here, not a new one, - Ф.
- Hold on. Your people are still making rules? - Н.
- Yes. I heard that we passed Rule 124,046 earlier this month, - Ф.
- Of all the idiocy! I could never live in this city, - В.
- Rule 11,034: You must live at a level appropriate to your position.
- Ah! So the aristocracy lives in the top levels, while the commoners subsist below? - В.
- Yes.
- Seems like a rather unpleasant rule for those on the bottom. Does this girl plan to drag us about the entire town in this fashion!? - В.
- The kid sure does love her rules, doesn't she? - Н.
Когда я говорил, что правила - это ад, я не шутил.
Everyone must wear loose fitting robes. These are apparently good for moving around in sand.
Rule 432: You must capture any lizard that crawls into a pot.
Only nobility may enter the treasury.
Rule 7,017: You cannot make a mistake while running an errand.
Rule 4,217: Parents must scold their child if they make a mistake.
No saying bad things about the Prince.
Well, okay you can say bad things about the Prince you just have to whisper...
Any outsider who saves the life of one of the Masked People is deemed a Benefactor and is a friend of the city. Said status extends to friends of the Benefactor too.
A punishment for breaking one of the rules: Watching the quicksand river every day for two years.
Rule 32: If something exists, there is porn for it. Well, not a real rule. Just seeing if you're awake there.
If a husband has an argument with his wife, he must make-up with her by the end of the day or else they will be divorced.
Rule 2,078: Boys born on December 3rd must keep continual watch over quicksand.
Из побочек (и о том, насколько правила порой кажутся странными):
Можно взять квест у одного из местных. Оно безумное, но диалог worth it.
- My daughter's birthday is coming up, and I want to cook her something special... But Rule 8.614 states that parents cannot purchase food for their children's birthday feasts. Would you be willing to help me?
- If it's for your daughter, I'd be more than willing to help, - Ниер.
- Thank you very much. I need you to bring me ten round, striped food objects.
- Um...I think you'll need to be more specific, - Вайс.
- I'm sorry, but Rule 27,229 states when sending someone on an errand, you cannot state the name of the item you want him to buy.
- Oh, come on! ..........Fine, I'll do it. But don't expect too much, - Ниер.
Позднее, Вайс и Ниер:
- Those rules are absolutely preposterous! We cannot even tell that person what we wish to purchase! Never in my life have I seen such foolishness!
- Ah, it's no big deal.
- Come now. This must bother you!?
- It does, but I trust they have a reason for it. Something meaningful that we just don't understand yet.
- That is a very broad-minded thing to say. ...Are you feeling well?
- That was almost a compliment.
Есть возможность пропустить тур Фиры, но тогда вам не видать лулзов и
If you are the impatient type, you are now given the option to be a dick to the helpful 10 year old and skip her tour of town. But, we're not going to be doing that because Papa Nier isn't a jerk to kids. Stuff, it Weiss. (с) Dark Id
В Факэйде есть магазин "странных вещей" - вещей из прошлого.
- Yes. A store that sells strange things.
- ...Such as? -В.
- I don't know. The things are so strange, no one is sure what they do.
По словам Фиры правило 12 гласит: нельзя ходить без маски, чтобы жить здесь, тебе нужно носить маску. Собственно, оттого у них и иное название The Masked People. Это довольно любопытно, ведь кажется, что Факадцы - наследники африканской культуры. В масках ходят все: и мужчины, и женщины, и дети. Это также объясняет, почему у города название происходит от французского Façade 'Frontage'/'Face'. Как-никак, сказывается когда-то давно колониальный период.
Вайс о них:
"It appears that there is a race of people who were extremely serious in the distant past. It is said that they would work day in day out in a box of iron and sand. According to the most accurate vocabulary that I know, they are people who are known as "slaves". As a result of their continuous way of living by being serious, they eventually became a race which none of them could live without the guidance of the rules......and they appear to be the distant ancestors of the people of Facade.
However, if you ask me, I think they are simply a group of strange people."
Ещё один момент: имена некоторых персонажей созвучны цифрам на немецком (частично и на других европейских языках). Концепт же Фиры (Vier/4) содержит что-то на французском(?).
Правда милейшая дочка Пирамидоголового?
- This concludes your tour of the city. Thank you for your patience. I will now guide you to the king's manor, - Фира.
- Thanks, - Ниер.
- These rules are enough to make a sensible man reach for the noose! I don't know how you survive in a place with so many inconvenient prescripts, - Вайс.
- It's not so bad. Although I used to ask the same question. And then someone told me... 'Rules do not exist to bind you. They exist so you may know your freedoms.' When I look at it like that, they don't bother me, - Фира.
- Whatever gets you through the day, - Ниер.
Фира провожает нас до замка.
- However, we have no king now, - Фира.
- You have no king? - Ниер.
- Our king was stricken with a foul black illness, and so passed away. His son, the prince, now rules this land, - Фира.
- The Black Scrawl... - Вайс.
- This is the prince's royal advisor. He would know far more about these things than I, - Фира.
- Thank you. All of this touring has been helpful in understanding your language, - Вайс.
...и Вайс теперь может говорить с Masked People.
Ниер хочет поговорить с принцем о Black Scrawl, но советник просит прийти в другой раз.
- I'm afraid the prince is not taking outside visitors at present. I would appreciate it if you could come back another day, - советник.
- My patience for this kind of things has long ago evaporated! - Вайс.
- I'm sorry! - Фира.
- It's not your fault, Fyra. Let's go back to Kainé for now, - добрый папа-Ниер.
Когда же мы возвращаемся к Каине, то Фира говорит, что именно Каине когда-то спасла её от волков.
Внезапно пробегают стражники, чей диалог полон безысходности и зетсубощты:
- The prince is missing!
- What!? Then we're in violation of Rule 83,348!)
- The prince is gone! And according to Rule 83,348, we have to start looking for him right away!)
- No, you don't get it! The prince went missing in the Barren Temple!)
- But Rule 50,527 states that only nobility may enter the temple!)
- ...Oh no! That means we CAN'T go look for him!)
- But what about Rule 83,348?)
- What about Rule 50,527!?)
- Hmmmmm...
Ниер и Вайс собрались было уходить - ведь с правилами ничего не поделаешь, - но Вайс обратил внимание, что hussy (так он обзывает Каине) не идёт с ними.
Фира хочет пойти и спасти принца, но правила запрещают девочке это сделат. Ну и к чёрту правила, говорит она. Это влияет на Каине и Ниера:
- You could just ask an outsider to go save him. Then no one violates a rule, - Ниер, - You know, an outsider. Like me.
- And oh, what luck! There just happens to be an outsider here who can't stop meddling in the affairs of others! - Вайс.
- I'll do it. Fyra told me about Rule 1,024. You know that one, right? Rule 1,024: You must honor the request of any outsider owed a debt. That's how it goes, right, Fyra? - Каине.
- Why did I ever agree to travel with such a pack of do-gooders? - Вайс. Ахахаха.
- Let's go, - Каине.
Фира бесстрашно идёт вместе с Ниером и ко, чтобы показать им дорогу. Она очень хочет спасти принца и даже волки, что когда-то чуть не убили её, не пугают Фиру.
Так как карты никто не дал - нет, чтобы долбаные стражники подсобили - Фира проводит вас по той части пустыни, что постоянно находится под воздействием песчаной бури. Чтоюы не материться и не начинать беготню по пустыне заново, очень советую от Фиру далеко не уходить.
- Pth! Blech! The moment I open my mouth, the sand rushes inside! - Вайс.
- Weiss, you don't even have a mouth! Spth! Plllth! How does Fyra deal with this? - Ниер.
- Perhaps there is some kind of filter inside that mask of hers, - Вайс.
- These people should stop arguing about rules and follow Fyra's lead, - Ниер читает мои мысли хдд
- She seems to possess almost boundless stores of energy. This girl must possess extreme patriotism. Look how she gives all for the sake of her prince!- Вайс.
...дойдя до храма, Фира остаётся снаружи. С учётом того, что вокруг множество волков, довольно опасно оставлять её одну. Давайте предположим, что там рядом стража?
Также под вопросом откуда у Фиры была карта храма при себе. Карта места, куда нельзя входить. Может быть, стянула у стражника, мы этого никогда не узнаем.
Barren Temple встречает вас песком, руинами, монстрами и... головоломками. Которые потом аукнуться в щедром изобилии в DG3.
Некоторые двери магически запечатаны:
В команатах, куда доступ есть, расположены головоломки, которые решаешь, следуя определённым правилам. А вы чего хотели, это ж храм святой Факадцев.
В первой восточной комнате нельзя прыгать - за это рестартишь всё у двери.
Далее знакомство с принцем.
- I wonder what this missing prince is like, - Ниер.
- The man is tasked to protect his people, and yet they toil to save him? I think that tells us everything we need to know, - Вайс.
- Who's there? State your name! - Принц.
- Just a foolhardy band of rescuers! Don't mind us, - Вайс.
- What!? - Принц.
В общем, судя по одеждам - это принц. Да, это принц.
Разговор из разряда "Молчать, я принц..." приходится отложить, так как одно из кубовидных устройств похищает его высочество, двери закрываются, следующая станция - тверская, заставляя Ниера и ко решать новую головоломку.
- Well, that was unusual, - Вайс.
- Come on. Let's go save him, - Ниер.
- By all means, let us go save the rude little anklebiter, - Вайс.
В этой комнате просто не надо попадать под огонь.
А вот дальше...
Вспоминай марио и прыгай, как никогда не прыгал.
Всё это приводит в бешенство не только игрока, но и Каине. И это отменная катсценка :D
В общем, суть головоломок вам понятна - ностальгия и/или садизм в чистом виде. Да, матерился ж я, проходя это в своё время. I hate platforms. Кстати, когда сталкиваешься с этим, играя за Зеро в ДГ3 (ох как у неё бомбит с платформинга!), постоянно не можешь отделаться от мысли, что Зеро могла бы подойти на роль бабушки для Каине.
- Less thinking, more killing. I like it! - Ниер.
- Ну и зрелище же этот монстр! - Вайс.
- Говорит летающая книга... - Ниер.
Наконец появляется Каине, наваливает звездюлей коробкам, но коробки, аки терминатор, восстанавливаются, заставляя девушку воссоединиться с товарищами.
- I figured you'd come back, - Ниер.
- Don't get all weepy, okay? It's not like I was searching for you, - Каине.
- So you were simply lost? - Вайс.
- Fuck off, book! - Каине.
Справившись с армией коробок (похожие были в трилогии DG), мы видим, как принц жив и цел. И что он...
...задержался, потому что искал маску.
Но не свою. Точнее свою, но... короче:
- Ah! The Royal Mask! - советник.
- Our people have suffered since the king's death. I was too young to bridge the gap between our people and other civilizations. Trade has come to a halt. We lack food and water, and the people despair for it. This mask is an emblem of the king. With it, I can project a strong image to other lands, and our people can be prosperous once more. Rules do not exist to bind you. They exist so you may know your freedoms.' Those are the words of the previous king. ...My father. And now that I have his mask, I believe I can ascend to the throne. Is this correct? - принц.
Покорённые такой самоотверженностью юного принца, советник с превеликим почтением соглашается с новым Королём.
Король извинился перед Ниером и ко за всё то, что им пришлось пережить:
- I swear by my new position as the king of Facade, I shall grant whatever you desire! Please! What is it I can do for you?
- I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to pass. My wish...well, it kind of has to take care of itself, - Ниер.
- Then think of a wish I can grant on behalf of another!
- I think he just gave us an order... - Вайс.
- A new wish... -Ниер.
На что Ниер выдаёт просьбу создать Rule Zero, который возволял бы людям не следовать какому-либо правилу, если оно им не по душе.
- A splendid idea! - Вайс.
- Very well, - Король.
- What? But, my king! This cannot be! - советник.
- Our people have long memories. We shall never forget the debt we owe you, no matter how hard the times. Such is the way of the Masked People. And thus, we shall grant your request. Still, that alone cannot repay our debt to you. Please accept this.
Нам дают меч.
...Ниер благодарит Короля, но подмечает, что его высочество обязан кое-кому ещё.
- Thank you, Fyra. And I am sorry for all I put you through.- It's...it's not a problem!
И наконец-то разговор начинается по теме:
- Ah, yes. The foul disease that claimed my father's life, - Король.
- We heard that you were searching for a cure. Did you ever learn anything? - Ниер.
- I'm sorry, no. Everything we tried ended in failure, - Король.
- It seems there is no way around it. We'll have to collect the Sealed Verses one by one, - Вайс.
- Yeah. Thankfully, there aren't too many left, - Ниер.
- Pardon me, but what are these 'Sealed Verses'? - Король.
- We're not sure. But if I find them all, I can save my daughter from the Black Scrawl, - Ниер.
- You...don't know what they are? - Король.
- I don't know and I don't much care. I just want to save my daughter. I'll run around collecting a bunch of crystal horse manure if that's what it takes, - Ниер.
Ну и последнее из диалогов перед тем, как мы вернёмся к дочурке:
- Can I ask you to visit us again? To return as friends? - Король.
- Sure. Why not? - Ниер.
- Just try not to get yourself kidnapped again, hmmm? - Вайс.
- Oh, thank you! And I promise to be careful! Come visit us again, okay!? - Король.
- I fear of the future of Facade, no matter how good his intentions, with a king so young... - Вайс.
- The people will make up for whatever the king lacks, - Ниер.
- I imagine we'll come back to a whole new slew of rules! - Вайс.
- Probably. But rules seem to work for them, so who are we to say otherwise? - Ниер.
- Oh, come now! - Вайс.
- There are as many ways to view the world as there are people in it, - Ниер.
- Perhaps you have learned something on this journey after all! - Вайс.
- Maybe. What do you think, Kainé? - Ниер.
- Don't care, - Каине.
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